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Adjective, Noun


Adjective Sad has 3 senses


Sada. [OE. sad sated, tired, satisfied, firm, steadfast, AS. sæd satisfied, sated; akin to D. zat, OS. sad, G. satt, OHG. sat, Icel. sa, saddr, Goth. sa, Lith. sotus, L. sat, satis, enough, satur sated, Gr. 'a`menai to satiate, 'a`dnh enough. Cf. Assets, Sate, Satiate, Satisfy, Satire.].
  •  Sated; satisfied; weary; tired.  [1913 Webster]
    "Yet of that art they can not waxen sad,
    For unto them it is a bitter sweet.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Heavy; weighty; ponderous; close; hard.  [1913 Webster]
    "His hand, more sad than lump of lead."  [1913 Webster]
    "Chalky lands are naturally cold and sad."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Dull; grave; dark; somber; -- said of colors.  Walton.  [1913 Webster]
    "Woad, or wade, is used by the dyers to lay the foundation of all sad colors."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Serious; grave; sober; steadfast; not light or frivolous.  Chaucer.  [1913 Webster]
    "Lady Catharine, a sad and religious woman."  Bacon.  [1913 Webster]
    "Which treaty was wisely handled by sad and discrete counsel of both parties."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Affected with grief or unhappiness; cast down with affliction; downcast; gloomy; mournful.  [1913 Webster]
    "First were we sad, fearing you would not come;
    Now sadder, that you come so unprovided.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "The angelic guards ascended, mute and sad."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Afflictive; calamitous; causing sorrow; as, a sad accident; a sad misfortune.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Hence, bad; naughty; troublesome; wicked.  I. Taylor.  [1913 Webster]
    " Sad is sometimes used in the formation of self-explaining compounds; as, sad-colored, sad-eyed, sad-hearted, sad-looking, and the like."  [1913 Webster]
Sad bread, heavy bread. [Scot. & Local, U.S.] Bartlett.
Syn. -- Sorrowful; mournful; gloomy; dejected; depressed; cheerless; downcast; sedate; serious; grave; grievous; afflictive; calamitous.
Sadv. t. 
     To make sorrowful; to sadden.  [1913 Webster]
    "How it sadded the minister's spirits!"  [1913 Webster]
     Seasonal affective disorder.  [PJC]


Sad, abbr. seasonal affective disorder.

Sad, adj. (sadder, saddest)
1 unhappy; feeling sorrow or regret.
2 causing or suggesting sorrow (a sad story).
3 regrettable.
4 shameful, deplorable (is in a sad state).
5 (of a colour) dull, neutral-tinted.
6 (of dough etc.) heavy, having failed to rise.

sad-iron a solid flat-iron. sad sack US colloq. a very inept person.
saddish adj. sadly adv. sadness n.
OE s{aelig}d f. Gmc, rel. to L satis



Quaker-colored, abominable, acier, affecting, afflictive, anguished, anxious, arrant, ashen, ashy, atrocious, awful, badly off, base, beastly, beggarly, beneath contempt, beneath one, bitter, blackish, blameworthy, bleak, blue, bored, brutal, canescent, cheap, cheerless, cheesy, cinereous, cinerous, comfortless, common, contemptible, creamy, crummy, dapple, dapple-gray, dappled, dappled-gray, dark, dark-colored, darkish, darksome, debasing, degrading, dejected, delicate, demeaning, deplorable, depressed, depressing, depressive, desolate, despicable, detestable, dingy, dire, discomforting, disgraceful, disgusted, disgusting, dismal, dismaying, dispirited, distressful, distressing, doleful, dolorific, dolorogenic, dolorous, donsie, doomful, dove-colored, dove-gray, down, downbeat, downcast, dreadful, drear, dreary, dull, dumpish, dumpy, dusk, dusky, dusty, eggshell, egregious, enormous, evil-starred, fatal, fetid, filthy, flagrant, flat, fortuneless, foul, fulsome, funereal, funest, gaudy, gimcracky, glaucescent, glaucous, gloomy, gloss, grave, gray, gray-black, gray-brown, gray-colored, gray-drab, gray-green, gray-spotted, gray-toned, gray-white, grayed, grayish, grieving, grievous, grim, griseous, grizzle, grizzled, grizzly, gross, gutter, hapless, hateful, heavy, heavyhearted, heinous, horrible, horrid, humiliating, humiliative, ill off, ill-starred, in adverse circumstances, inauspicious, infamous, infra dig, infra indignitatem, iridescent, iron-gray, joyless, laden with sorrow, lamentable, lead-gray, leaden, light, livid, loathsome, long-faced, lousy, luckless, mean, melancholic, melancholy, mellow, meretricious, mirthless, miserable, monstrous, morose, mother-of-pearl, mournful, mouse-colored, mouse-gray, mousy, moving, nacreous, nasty, nauseated, nauseous, nefarious, nigrescent, noisome, notorious, obnoxious, odious, offensive, ominous, opalescent, oppressed, opprobrious, out of luck, outrageous, painful, pale, paltry, pastel, pathetic, patinaed, pearl, pearl-gray, pearly, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, planet-struck, pleasureless, poignant, poor, prey to malaise, quiet, rank, regrettable, repelled, reprehensible, repulsive, revolted, rotten, rubbishy, rueful, sad of heart, sad-eyed, sad-faced, saddened, saddening, sadhearted, scandalous, schlock, scrubby, scruffy, scummy, scurvy, scuzzy, semigloss, shabby, shameful, sharp, shocking, shoddy, short of luck, sickened, silver, silver-gray, silvered, silvery, simple, slate-colored, slaty, smoke-gray, smoky, sober, soft, soft-colored, soft-hued, softened, somber, sombrous, sordid, sore, sorrowful, sorry, squalid, star-crossed, steel-gray, steely, stone-colored, subdued, subtle, suffering angst, swart, swarthy, sweet, taupe, tear-jerking, tender, terrible, too bad, touching, trashy, triste, trumpery, two-for-a-cent, two-for-a-penny, twopenny, twopenny-halfpenny, unbecoming, unblessed, unclean, uncomfortable, underprivileged, uneasy, unfortunate, unfulfilled, ungratified, unhappy, unlucky, unprosperous, unprovidential, unquiet, unsatisfied, unworthy of one, valueless, vile, villainous, weighed upon, weighted down, woebegone, woeful, worst, worthless, wretched




N badness, hurtfulness, virulence, evil doer, bane, plague spot, evil star, ill wind, hoodoo, Jonah, snake in the grass, skeleton in the closet, amari aliquid, thorn in the side, malignity, malevolence, tender mercies, ill-treatment, annoyance, molestation, abuse, oppression, persecution, outrage, misusage, injury, knockout drops, badness, peccancy, abomination, painfulness, pestilence, guilt, depravity, hurtful, harmful, scathful, baneful, baleful, injurious, deleterious, detrimental, noxious, pernicious, mischievous, full of mischief, mischief-making, malefic, malignant, nocuous, noisome, prejudicial, disserviceable, disadvantageous, wide-wasting, unlucky, sinister, obnoxious, untoward, disastrous, oppressive, burdensome, onerous, malign, corrupting &c (corrupt), virulent, venomous, envenomed, corrosive, poisonous, deadly, destructive, inauspicious, bad, ill, arrant, as bad as bad can be, dreadful, horrid, horrible, dire, rank, peccant, foul, fulsome, rotten, rotten at the core, vile, base, villainous, mean, injured, deteriorated, unsatisfactory, exceptionable indifferent, below par, illcontrived, ill-conditioned, wretched, sad, grievous, deplorable, lamentable, pitiful, pitiable, woeful, evil, wrong, depraved, shocking, reprehensible, hateful, hateful as a toad, abominable, detestable, execrable, cursed, accursed, confounded, damned, damnable, infernal, diabolic, unadvisable, unprofitable, incompetent, irremediable, badly, wrong, ill, to one's cost, where the shoe pinches, bad is the best: the worst come to the worst, herba mala presto cresco, wrongs unredressed or insults unavenged.


N greatness, magnitude, size, multitude, immensity, enormity, infinity, might, strength, intensity, fullness, importance, great quantity, quantity, deal, power, sight, pot, volume, world, mass, heap, stock, peck, bushel, load, cargo, cartload, wagonload, shipload, flood, spring tide, abundance, principal part, chief part, main part, greater part, major part, best part, essential part, bulk, mass, great, greater, large, considerable, fair, above par, big, huge, Herculean, cyclopean, ample, abundant, full, intense, strong, sound, passing, heavy, plenary, deep, high, signal, at its height, in the zenith, world-wide, widespread, far-famed, extensive, wholesale, many, goodly, noble, precious, mighty, sad, grave, heavy, serious, far gone, arrant, downright, utter, uttermost, crass, gross, arch, profound, intense, consummate, rank, uninitiated, red-hot, desperate, glaring, flagrant, stark staring, thorough-paced, thoroughgoing, roaring, thumping, extraordinary, important, unsurpassed, complete, august, grand, dignified, sublime, majestic, vast, immense, enormous, extreme, inordinate, excessive, extravagant, exorbitant, outrageous, preposterous, unconscionable, swinging, monstrous, overgrown, towering, stupendous, prodigious, astonishing, incredible, marvelous, unlimited, unapproachable, unutterable, indescribable, ineffable, unspeakable, inexpressible, beyond expression, fabulous, undiminished, unabated, unreduced, unrestricted, absolute, positive, stark, decided, unequivocal, essential, perfect, finished, remarkable, of mark, marked, pointed, veriest, noteworthy, renowned, truly, decidedly, unequivocally, purely, absolutely, seriously, essentially, fundamentally, radically, downright, in all conscience, for the most part, in the main, entirely, abundantly, widely, far and wide, greatly, much, muckle, well, indeed, very, very much, a deal, no end of, most, not a little, pretty, pretty well, enough, in a great measure, richly, to a large extent, to a great extent, to a gigantic extent, on a large scale, so, never so, ever so, ever so dole, scrap, shred, tag, splinter, rag, much, by wholesale, mighty, powerfully, with a witness, ultra, in the extreme, extremely, exceedingly, intensely, exquisitely, acutely, indefinitely, immeasurably, beyond compare, beyond comparison, beyond measure, beyond all bounds, incalculably, infinitely, preeminently, superlatively, immoderately, monstrously, preposterously, inordinately, exorbitantly, excessively, enormously, out of all proportion, with a vengeance, particularly, remarkably, singularly, curiously, uncommonly, unusually, peculiarly, notably, signally, strikingly, pointedly, mainly, chiefly, famously, egregiously, prominently, glaringly, emphatically, kat exochin, strangely, wonderfully, amazingly, surprisingly, astonishingly, incredibly, marvelously, awfully, stupendously, peculiarly, furiously, severely, desperately, tremendously, extravagantly, confoundedly, deucedly, devilishly, with a vengeance, a outrance, a toute outrance, painfully, sadly, grossly, sorely, bitterly, piteously, grievously, miserably, cruelly, woefully, lamentably, shockingly, frightfully, dreadfully, fearfully, terribly, horribly, a maximis ad minima, greatness knows itself, mightiest powers by deepest calms are fed, minimum decet libere cui multum licet, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.


N painfulness, trouble, care, trial, affliction, infliction, blow, stroke, burden, load, curse, bitter pill, bitter draught, waters of bitterness, annoyance, grievance, nuisance, vexation, mortification, sickener, bore, bother, pother, hot water, sea of troubles, hornet's nest, plague, pest, cancer, ulcer, sting, thorn, canker, scorpion, dagger, scourge, carking care, canker worm of care, mishap, misfortune, desagrement, esclandre, rub, source of irritation, source of annoyance, wound, open sore, sore subject, skeleton in the closet, thorn in the flesh, thorn in one's side, where the shoe pinches, gall and wormwood, sorry sight, heavy news, provocation, affront, head and front of one's offending, infestation, molestation, malignity, causing pain, hurting, hurtful, painful, dolorific, dolorous, unpleasant, unpleasing, displeasing, disagreeable, unpalatable, bitter, distasteful, uninviting, unwelcome, undesirable, undesired, obnoxious, unacceptable, unpopular, thankless, unsatisfactory, untoward, unlucky, uncomfortable, distressing, afflicting, afflictive, joyless, cheerless, comfortless, dismal, disheartening, depressing, depressive, dreary, melancholy, grievous, piteous, woeful, rueful, mournful, deplorable, pitiable, lamentable, sad, affecting, touching, pathetic, irritating, provoking, stinging, annoying, aggravating, mortifying, galling, unaccommodating, invidious, vexatious, troublesome, tiresome, irksome, wearisome, plaguing, plaguy, awkward, importunate, teasing, pestering, bothering, harassing, worrying, tormenting, carking, intolerable, insufferable, insupportable, unbearable, unendurable, past bearing, not to be borne, not to be endured, more than flesh and blood can bear, enough to drive one mad, enough to provoke a saint, enough to make a parson swear, enough to gag a maggot, shocking, terrific, grim, appalling, crushing, dreadful, fearful, frightful, thrilling, tremendous, dire, heart-breaking, heart-rending, heart-wounding, heart-corroding, heart-sickening, harrowing, rending, odious, hateful, execrable, repulsive, repellent, abhorrent, horrid, horrible, horrific, horrifying, offensive, nauseous, nauseating, disgusting, sickening, revolting, nasty, loathsome, loathful, fulsome, vile, hideous, sharp, acute, sore, severe, grave, hard, harsh, cruel, biting, caustic, cutting, corroding, consuming, racking, excruciating, searching, grinding, grating, agonizing, envenomed, catheretic, pyrotic, ruinous, disastrous, calamitous, tragical, desolating, withering, burdensome, onerous, oppressive, cumbrous, cumbersome, painfully, with pain, deuced, Int, hinc illae lachrymae!, surgit amari aliquid, the place being too hot to hold one, the iron entering into the soul, he jests at scars that never felt a wound, I must be cruel only to be kind, what deep wounds ever closed without a scar?.


N dejection, dejectedness, depression, prosternation, lowness of spirits, depression of spirits, weight on the spirits, oppression on the spirits, damp on the spirits, low spirits, bad spirits, drooping spirits, depressed spirits, heart sinking, heaviness of heart, failure of heart, heaviness, infestivity, gloom, weariness, taedium vitae, disgust of life, mal du pays, anhedonia, melancholy, sadness, il penseroso, melancholia, dismals, blues, lachrymals, mumps, dumps, blue devils, doldrums, vapors, megrims, spleen, horrors, hypochondriasis, pessimism, la maladie sans maladie, despondency, slough of Despond, disconsolateness, hope deferred, blank despondency, voiceless woe, prostration of soul, broken heart, despair, cave of despair, cave of Trophonius demureness, gravity, solemnity, long face, grave face, hypochondriac, seek sorrow, self-tormentor, heautontimorumenos, malade imaginaire, medecin tant pis, croaker, pessimist, mope, mopus, affliction, sorry sight, memento mori, damper, wet blanket, Job's comforter, cheerless, joyless, spiritless, uncheerful, uncheery, unlively, unhappy, melancholy, dismal, somber, dark, gloomy, triste, clouded, murky, lowering, frowning, lugubrious, funereal, mournful, lamentable, dreadful, dreary, flat, dull, dull as a beetle, dull as ditchwater, depressing, melancholy as a gib cat, oppressed with melancholy, a prey to melancholy, downcast, downhearted, down in the mouth, down in one's luck, heavy-hearted, in the dumps, down in the dumps, in the suds, in the sulks, in the doldrums, in doleful dumps, in bad humor, sullen, mumpish, dumpish, mopish, moping, moody, glum, sulky, out of sorts, out of humor, out of heart, out of spirits, ill at ease, low spirited, in low spirits, a cup too low, weary, discouraged, disheartened, desponding, chapfallen, chopfallen, jaw fallen, crest fallen, sad, pensive, penseroso, tristful, dolesome, doleful, woebegone, lacrymose, lachrymose, in tears, melancholic, hypped, hypochondriacal, bilious, jaundiced, atrabilious, saturnine, splenetic, lackadaisical, serious, sedate, staid, stayed, grave as a judge, grave as an undertaker, grave as a mustard pot, sober, sober as a judge, solemn, demure, grim, grim-faced, grim-visaged, rueful, wan, long-faced, disconsolate, unconsolable, inconsolable, forlorn, comfortless, desolate, desole, sick at heart, soul sick, heart sick, au desespoir, in despair, lost, overcome, broken down, borne down, bowed down, heartstricken, cut up, dashed, sunk, unnerved, unmanned, down fallen, downtrodden, broken-hearted, careworn, with a long face, with tears in one's eyes, sadly, the countenance falling, the heart failing, the heart sinking within one, a plague of sighing and grief, thick-ey'd musing and curs'd melancholy, the sickening pang of hope deferred.


N gray, neutral tint, silver, pepper and salt, chiaroscuro, grisaille, Payne's gray, black, gray, grey, iron-gray, dun, drab, dingy, leaden, livid, somber, sad, pearly, russet, roan, calcareous, limy, favillous, silver, silvery, silvered, ashen, ashy, cinereous, cineritious, grizzly, grizzled, slate-colored, stone-colored, mouse-colored, ash-colored, cool.

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