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Daftar Isi -- Rival
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Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)


Noun Rival has 1 sense

Verb Rival has 2 senses


Rivaln. [F. rival (cf. It. rivale), L. rivales two neigbors having the same brook in common, rivals, fr. rivalis belonging to a brook, fr. rivus a brook. Cf. Rivulet, Rete.].
  •  A person having a common right or privilege with another; a partner.  [1913 Webster]
    "If you do meet Horatio and Marcellus,
    The rivals of my watch, bid them make haste.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  One who is in pursuit of the same object as another; one striving to reach or obtain something which another is attempting to obtain, and which one only can posses; a competitor; as, rivals in love; rivals for a crown.  [1913 Webster]
    "Rivals, in the primary sense of the word, are those who dwell on the banks of the same stream. But since, as all experience shows, there is no such fruitful source of coutention as a water right, it would continually happen that these occupants of the opposite banks would be at strife with one another in regard of the periods during which they severally had a right to the use of the stream . . . And thus 'rivals' . . . came to be used of any who were on any grounds in more or less unfriendly competition with one another.”"  Trench.  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Competitor; emulator; antagonist.
     Having the same pretensions or claims; standing in competition for superiority; as, rival lovers; rival claims or pretensions.  [1913 Webster]
    "The strenuous conflicts and alternate victories of two rival confederacies of statesmen."  [1913 Webster]
Rivalv. t. 
  •  To stand in competition with; to strive to gain some object in opposition to; as, to rival one in love.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To strive to equal or exel; to emulate.  [1913 Webster]
    "To rival thunder in its rapid course."  [1913 Webster]
Rivalv. i. 
     To be in rivalry.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]


Rival, n. & v.
1 a person competing with another for the same objective.
2 a person or thing that equals another in quality.
3 (attrib.) being a rival or rivals (a rival firm).
--v.tr. (rivalled, rivalling; US rivaled, rivaling)
1 be the rival of or comparable to.
2 seem or claim to be as good as.

L rivalis, orig. = using the same stream, f. rivus stream



admit of comparison, adversary, adversative, adverse, alien, amount to, antagonist, antagonistic, antagonize, anti, antipathetic, antithetic, approach, attempt, balance, battle, battler, be commensurable, be comparable, beat against, beat up against, belligerent, belted knight, bickerer, blade, bravo, brawler, break even, breast the wave, buck, buffet, buffet the waves, bully, bullyboy, challenge, challenge comparison, clashing, close with, coequal, combat, combatant, come to, come up to, compare, compare to, compare with, compeer, compete, compete with, competing, competition, competitive, competitor, con, conflicting, contend, contend against, contend with, contender, contest, contestant, contradictory, contrary, cope, correspond, correspond to, corrival, counter, counterpart, cross, cutthroat, disaccordant, disputant, dissentient, ditto, draw, duelist, emulate, emulator, emulous, enemy, enforcer, entrant, equal, equipollent, equivalent, even, even off, fellow, fencer, feuder, fight, fight against, fighter, fighting cock, foilsman, fractious, gamecock, gladiator, goon, gorilla, grapple with, hatchet man, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, hostile, in competition, in rivalry, inimical, jockey, join battle with, jouster, keep pace with, knight, knot, labor against, like, match, match up with, mate, measure up, measure up to, meet, militant, militate against, negative, noncooperative, not compare with, obstinate, offer resistance, opponent, oppose, opposed, opposing, opposite, opposite number, opposition, oppositional, oppositive, oppugnant, outvie, overthwart, parallel, partake of, peer, perverse, player, plug-ugly, quarreler, reach, recalcitrant, refractory, reluct, reluctate, repugnant, resemble, rioter, rivaling, rough, rowdy, ruffian, run abreast, run to, sabreur, scrapper, scuffler, squabbler, stack up with, stem the tide, strive, strive against, strong arm, strong-arm man, strong-armer, struggle, struggle against, struggle with, struggler, swashbuckler, sword, swordplayer, swordsman, take on, test one another, the field, thug, tie, tilter, touch, tough, try, tussler, twin, uncooperative, unfavorable, unfriendly, unpropitious, vie, vie with, vier, vying, wrangler




VB be beneficial, produce good, do good, profit, benefit, confer a benefit, be the making of, do a world of good, make a man of, produce a good effect, do a good turn, confer an obligation, improve, do no harm, break no bones, be good, excel, transcend, bear away the bell, stand the proof, stand the test, pass muster, pass an examination, challenge comparison, vie, emulate, rival.


VB oppose, counteract, run counter to, withstand, control, hinder, antagonize, oppugn, fly in the face of, go dead against, kick against, fall afoul of, run afoul of, set against, pit against, face, confront, cope with, make a stand, make a dead set against, set oneself against, set one's face against, protest against, vote against, raise one's voice against, disfavor, turn one's back upon, set at naught, slap in the face, slam the door in one's face, be at cross purposes, play at cross purposes, counterwork, countermine, thwart, overthwart, work against, undermine, stem, breast, encounter, stem the tide, breast the tide, stem the current, stem the flood, buffet the waves, beat up against, make head against, grapple with, kick against the pricks, contend, do battle with, do battle against, contradict, contravene, belie, go against, run against, beat against, militate against, come in conflict with, emulate, rival, spoil one's trade.


N opponent, antagonist, adversary, adverse party, opposition, enemy, the other side, assailant, oppositionist, obstructive, brawler, wrangler, brangler, disputant, filibuster, obstructionist, malcontent, Jacobin, Fenian, demagogue, reactionist, rival, competitor, bete noir.


VB contend, contest, strive, struggle, scramble, wrestle, spar, square, exchange blows, exchange fisticuffs, fib, justle, tussle, tilt, box, stave, fence, skirmish, pickeer, fight, wrangle, contend with, grapple with, engage with, close with, buckle with, bandy with, try conclusions with, have a brush, with, tilt with, encounter, fall foul of, pitch into, clapperclaw, run a tilt at, oppose, reluct, join issue, come to blows, go to loggerheads, set to, come to the scratch, exchange shots, measure swords, meet hand to hand, take up the cudgels, take up the glove, take up the gauntlet, enter the lists, couch one's lance, give satisfaction, appeal to arms, lay about one, break the peace, compete with, cope with, vie with, race with, outvie, emulate, rival, run a race, contend for, stipulate for, stickle for, insist upon, make a point of.

N contention, strife, contest, contestation, struggle, belligerency, opposition, controversy, polemics, debate, war of words, logomachy, litigation, paper war, high words, sparring, competition, rivalry, corrivalry, corrivalship, agonism, concours, match, race, horse racing, heat, steeple chase, handicap, regatta, field day, sham fight, Derby day, turf, sporting, bullfight, tauromachy, gymkhana, boat race, torpids, wrestling, greco-roman wrestling, pugilism, boxing, fisticuffs, the manly art of self-defense, spar, mill, set-to, round, bout, event, prize fighting, quarterstaff, single stick, gladiatorship, gymnastics, jiujitsu, jujutsu, kooshti, sumo, athletics, athletic sports, games of skill, shindy, fracas, clash of arms, tussle, scuffle, broil, fray, affray, affrayment, velitation, colluctation, luctation, brabble, brigue, scramble, melee, scrimmage, stramash, bushfighting, free fight, stand up fight, hand to hand, running fight, conflict, skirmish, rencounter, encounter, rencontre, collision, affair, brush, fight, battle, battle royal, combat, action, engagement, joust, tournament, tilt, tilting, tournay, list, pitched battle, death struggle, struggle for life or death, life or death struggle, Armageddon, hard knocks, sharp contest, tug of war, naval engagement, naumachia, sea fight, duel, duello, single combat, monomachy, satisfaction, passage d'armes, passage of arms, affair of honor, triangular duel, hostile meeting, digladiation, deeds of arms, feats of arms, appeal to arms, pugnacity, combativeness, bone of contention, contending, together by the ears, at loggerheads, at war, at issue, competitive, rival, belligerent, contentious, combative, bellicose, unpeaceful, warlike, quarrelsome, pugnacious, pugilistic, gladiatorial, palestric, palestrical, a verbis ad verbera, a word and a blow, a very pretty quarrel as it stands, commune periculum concordiam parit, lis litem generat.


N combatant, disputant, controversialist, polemic, litigant, belligerent, competitor, rival, corrival, fighter, assailant, champion, Paladin, mosstrooper, swashbuckler fire eater, duelist, bully, bludgeon man, rough, prize fighter, pugilist, boxer, bruiser, the fancy, gladiator, athlete, wrestler, fighting-cock, game-cock, warrior, soldier, fighting man, Amazon, man at arms, armigerent, campaigner, veteran, swordsman, sabreur, redcoat, military man, Rajput, armed force, troops, soldiery, military forces, sabaoth, the army, standing army, regulars, the line, troops of the line, militia, yeomanry, volunteers, trainband, fencible, auxiliary, bersagliere, brave, garde-nationale, garde-royale, minuteman, auxiliary forces, reserve forces, reserves, posse comitatus, national guard, gendarme, beefeater, guards, guardsman, yeomen of the guard, life guards, household troops, janissary, myrmidon, Mama, Mameluke, spahee, spahi, Cossack, Croat, Pandoz, irregular, guerilla, partisan, condottiere, franctireur, tirailleur, bashi-bazouk, vietminh, vietcong, shining path, contras, huk, hukbalahap, mercenary, soldier of fortune, hired gun, gunfighter, gunslinger, bushwhacker, free lance, companion, Hessian, hit man torpedo, soldier, levy, draught, Landwehr, Landsturm, conscript, recruit, cadet, raw levies, infantry, infantryman, private, private soldier, foot soldier, Tommy Atkins, rank and file, peon, trooper, sepoy, legionnaire, legionary, cannon fodder, food for powder, officer, subaltern, ensign, standard bearer, spearman, pikeman, spear bearer, halberdier, lancer, musketeer, carabineer, rifleman, jager, sharpshooter, yager, skirmisher, grenadier, fusileer, archer, bowman, horse and foot, horse soldier, cavalry, horse, artillery, horse artillery, light horse, voltigeur, uhlan, mounted rifles, dragoon, hussar, light dragoon, heavy dragoon, heavy, cuirassier, Foot Guards, Horse Guards, gunner, cannoneer, bombardier, artilleryman, matross, sapper, sapper and miner, engineer, light infantry, rifles, chasseur, zouave, military train, coolie, army, corps d'armee, host, division, battalia, column, wing, detachment, garrison, flying column, brigade, regiment, corps, battalion, sotnia, squadron, company, platoon, battery, subdivision, section, squad, piquet, picket, guard, rank, file, legion, phalanx, cohort, cloud of skirmishers, war horse, charger, destrier, marine, man-of-war's man, navy, wooden walls, naval forces, fleet, flotilla, armada, squadron, man-of-war, destroyer, submarine, minesweeper, torpedo-boat, torpedo-destroyer, patrol torpedo boat, PT boat, torpedo- catcher, war castle, H, M, S, battleship, battle wagon, dreadnought, line of battle ship, ship of the line, aircraft carrier, carrier, flattop, helicopter carrier, missile platform, missile boat, ironclad, turret ship, ram, monitor, floating battery, first- rate, frigate, sloop of war, corvette, gunboat, bomb vessel, flagship, guard ship, cruiser, armored cruiser, protected cruiser, privateer, tender, store ship, troop ship, transport, catamaran, merchant marine.


VB be conscious of glory, be proud of, exult, be vain of, be distinguished, shine, shine forth, figure, cut a figure, make a dash, make a splash, rival, surpass, outshine, outrival, outvie, outjump, emulate, eclipse, throw into the shade, cast into the shade, overshadow, live, flourish, glitter, flaunt, gain honor, acquire honor, play first fiddle, bear the palm, bear the bell, lead the way, take precedence, take the wall of, gain laurels, win laurels, gain spurs, gain golden opinions, take one's degree, pass one's examination, make a noise, make some noise, make a noise in the world, leave one's mark, exalt one's horn, blow one's horn, star it, have a run, be run after, come into vogue, come to the front, raise one's head, enthrone, signalize, immortalize, deify, exalt to the skies, hand one's name down to posterity, consecrate, dedicate to, devote to, enshrine, inscribe, blazon, lionize, blow the trumpet, crown with laurel, confer honor on, reflect honor on, shed a luster on, redound, to one's honor, ennoble, give honor to, do honor to, pay honor to, render honor to, honor, accredit, pay regard to, dignify, glorify, sing praises to, lock up to, exalt, aggrandize, elevate, nobilitate.

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