adjourn, continue, dally, defer, delay, drag out, extend, hang fire, hang up, hold off, hold over, hold up, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay over, pigeonhole, prolong, prorogate, prorogue, protract, push aside, put aside, put away, put in mothballs, put off, put on ice, recess, reserve, set aside, set by, shelve, shift off, sideline, sleep on, stand over, stave off, stay, store, stow, stretch out, suspend, table, table the motion, take a recess, temporize, waive
be late, tarry, wait, stay, bide, take time, dawdle, linger, loiter, bide one's time, take one's time, gain time, hang fire, stand over, lie over, put off, defer, delay, lay over, suspend, table, shift off, stave off, waive, retard, remand, postpone, adjourn, procrastinate, dally, prolong, protract, spin out, draw out, lengthen out, stretch out, prorogue, keep back, tide over, push to the last, drive to the last, let the matter stand over, reserve, temporize, consult one's pillow, sleep on it, lose an opportunity, be kept waiting, dance attendance, kick one's heels, cool one's heels, faire antichambre, wait impatiently, await, sit up, sit up at night.
See related words and definitions of word "
Postpone" in Indonesian

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