apprehension, assumption, attitude, automatic response, bare suggestion, bee, blind impulse, boutade, brain wave, brainstorm, capriccio, caprice, climate of opinion, clue, common belief, community sentiment, conceit, concept, conception, conclusion, consensus gentium, consideration, crank, craze, crazy idea, crotchet, cue, drive, estimate, estimation, ethos, eye, fad, fancy, fantastic notion, fantasy, feeling, flash, fleeting impulse, flimflam, fool notion, freak, freakish inspiration, general belief, general idea, gut response, half an idea, harebrained idea, hazy idea, hint, humor, idea, image, imago, impression, impulse, inclination, indication, inkling, inspiration, instinct, intellection, intellectual object, intimation, involuntary impulse, judgment, kink, lights, maggot, megrim, memory-trace, mental image, mental impression, mental picture, mere notion, mind, mystique, natural impulse, observation, opinion, passing fancy, perception, personal judgment, point of view, popular belief, position, posture, presumption, prevailing belief, public belief, public opinion, quick hunch, quirk, reaction, recept, reflection, reflex, representation, sentiment, sight, sneaking suspicion, stance, sudden thought, suggestion, supposition, suspicion, telltale, theory, thinking, thought, toy, urge, vagary, vague idea, view, way of thinking, whim, whim-wham, whimsy, wind
idea, notion, conception, thought, apprehension, impression, perception, image, eidolon, sentiment, reflection, observation, consideration, abstract idea, archetype, formative notion, guiding conception, organizing conception, image in the mind, regulative principle, view, theory, conceit, fancy, phantasy, point of view, field of view.
supposition, assumption, assumed position, postulation, condition, presupposition, hypothesis, blue sky hypothesis, postulate, postulatum, theory, thesis, theorem, data, proposition, position, proposal, presumption, divination, conjecture, guess, guesswork, speculation, rough guess, shot, shot in the dark, conjecturality, surmise, suspicion, sneaking suspicion, estimate, approximation (nearness), inkling, suggestion, hint, intimation, notion, impression, bare supposition, vague supposition, loose supposition, loose suggestion, association of ideas, (analogy), metonym, metonymy, simile (metaphor), conceit, idea, thought, original idea, invention (imagination), supposing, given, mooted, postulatory, assumed, supposititious, suppositive, suppositious, gratuitous, speculative, conjectural, hypothetical, theoretical, academic, supposable, presumptive, putative, suppositional, suggestive, allusive, if, if so be, an, on the supposition, ex hypothesi, in the case, in the event of, quasi, as if, provided, perhaps, for aught one knows.