IC analysis, accidence, affix, affixation, allomorph, anatomist, anatomy, angiography, angiology, anthropotomy, bound morpheme, bowwow theory, comparative linguistics, conjugation, cutting, declension, derivation, descriptive grammar, descriptive linguistics, dialectology, difference of form, dingdong theory, enclitic, etymology, form, formative, free form, generative grammar, geomorphology, glossematics, glossology, glottochronology, glottology, grammar, grammatical analysis, grammatical theory, grammaticality, graphemics, histologist, histology, historical linguistics, immediate constituent analysis, infix, infixation, inflection, language study, lexicology, lexicostatistics, linguistic geography, linguistic science, linguistics, mathematical linguistics, morph, morpheme, morphemic analysis, morphemics, morphologist, morphophonemics, myography, myology, organography, organology, osteography, osteology, paleography, paradigm, parsing, philology, phonetics, phonology, phrase-structure grammar, prefix, prefixation, proclitic, psycholinguistics, radical, root, rules of language, school grammar, semantics, sociolinguistics, splanchnography, splanchnology, stem, stratificational grammar, structural grammar, structuralism, suffix, suffixation, syntactics, tagmemic analysis, tectology, theme, traditional grammar, transformational grammar, transformational linguistics, word-formation, zootomy
organization, organized world, organized nature, living nature, animated nature, living beings, organic remains, fossils, protoplasm, cytoplasm, protein, albumen, structure, organization, organism, biology, natural history, organic chemistry, anatomy, physiology, zoology, botany, microbiology, virology, bacteriology, mycology, naturalist, archegenesis, antherozoid, bioplasm, biotaxy, chromosome, dysmeromorph, ecology, oecology, erythroblast, gametangium, gamete, germinal matter, invagination, isogamy, oogamy, karyaster, macrogamete, microgamete, metabolism, anabolism, catabolism, metaplasm, ontogeny, ovary, ovum, oxidation, phylogeny, polymorphism, protozoa, spermary, spermatozoon, trophoplasm, vacuole, vertebration, zoogloea, zygote, Darwinism, neo-Darwinism, Lamarkism, neoLamarkism, Weismannism, morphology, taxonomy, organic, organized, karyoplasmic, unsegmentic, vacuolar, zoogloeic, zoogloeoid.
zoology, zoonomy, zoography, zootomy, anatomy, comparative anatomy, animal physiology, comparative physiology, morphology, mammalogy, anthropology, ornithology, ichthyology, herpetology, ophiology, malacology, helminthology, entomology, oryctology, paleontology, mastology, vermeology, ornithotomy, ichthyotomy, taxidermy, zoologist, zoological.