Malt, n. & v.
1 barley or other grain that is steeped, germinated, and dried, esp. for brewing or distilling and vinegar-making.
2 colloq. malt whisky; malt liquor.
1 tr. convert (grain) into malt.
2 intr. (of seeds) become malt when germination is checked by drought.
malted milk
1 a hot drink made from dried milk and a malt preparation.
2 the powdered mixture from which this is made. malt-house a building used for preparing and storing malt. malt liquor alcoholic liquor made from malt by fermentation, not distillation, e.g. beer, stout. malt whisky whisky made from malted barley.
OE m(e)alt f. Gmc, rel. to MELT