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Adjective Magnetic has 5 senses


Magnetica. [L. magneticus: cf. F. magnétique.].
  •  Pertaining to the magnet; possessing the properties of the magnet, or corresponding properties; as, a magnetic bar of iron; a magnetic needle.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Of or pertaining to, or characterized by, the earth's magnetism; as, the magnetic north; the magnetic meridian.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Capable of becoming a magnet; susceptible to magnetism; as, the magnetic metals.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Endowed with extraordinary personal power to excite the feelings and to win the affections; attractive; inducing attachment.  [1913 Webster]
    "She that had all magnetic force alone."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Having, susceptible to, or induced by, animal magnetism, so called; hypnotic; as, a magnetic sleep. See Magnetism.  [1913 Webster]
Magnetic amplitude, attraction, dip, induction, etc. See under Amplitude, Attraction, etc. -- Magnetic battery, a combination of bar or horseshoe magnets with the like poles adjacent, so as to act together with great power. -- Magnetic compensator, a contrivance connected with a ship's compass for compensating or neutralizing the effect of the iron of the ship upon the needle. -- Magnetic curves, curves indicating lines of magnetic force, as in the arrangement of iron filings between the poles of a powerful magnet. -- Magnetic elements. (a) (Chem. Physics) Those elements, as iron, nickel, cobalt, chromium, manganese, etc., which are capable or becoming magnetic. (b) (Physics) In respect to terrestrial magnetism, the declination, inclination, and intensity. (c) See under Element. -- Magnetic fluid, the hypothetical fluid whose existence was formerly assumed in the explanations of the phenomena of magnetism; -- no longer considered a meaningful concept. -- Magnetic iron, or Magnetic iron ore. (Min.) Same as Magnetite. -- Magnetic needle, a slender bar of steel, magnetized and suspended at its center on a sharp-pointed pivot, or by a delicate fiber, so that it may take freely the direction of the magnetic meridian. It constitutes the essential part of a compass, such as the mariner's and the surveyor's. -- Magnetic poles, the two points in the opposite polar regions of the earth at which the direction of the dipping needle is vertical. -- Magnetic pyrites. See Pyrrhotite. -- Magnetic storm (Terrestrial Physics), a disturbance of the earth's magnetic force characterized by great and sudden changes. -- magnetic tape (Electronics), a ribbon of plastic material to which is affixed a thin layer of powder of a material which can be magnetized, such as ferrite. Such tapes are used in various electronic devices to record fluctuating voltages, which can be used to represent sounds, images, or binary data. Devices such as audio casette recorders, videocasette recorders, and computer data storage devices use magnetic tape as an inexpensive medium to store data. Different magnetically susceptible materials are used in such tapes. -- Magnetic telegraph, a telegraph acting by means of a magnet. See Telegraph.
  •  A magnet.  [1913 Webster]
    "As the magnetic hardest iron draws."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Any metal, as iron, nickel, cobalt, etc., which may receive, by any means, the properties of the loadstone, and which then, when suspended, fixes itself in the direction of a magnetic meridian.  [1913 Webster]


Magnetic, adj.
1 a having the properties of a magnet. b producing, produced by, or acting by magnetism.
2 capable of being attracted by or acquiring the properties of a magnet.
3 very attractive or alluring (a magnetic personality).

magnetic compass = COMPASS 1. magnetic disk see DISC. magnetic equator an imaginary line, near the equator, on which a magnetic needle has no dip. magnetic field a region of variable force around magnets, magnetic materials, or current-carrying conductors. magnetic inclination = DIP n. 8. magnetic mine a submarine mine detonated by the proximity of a magnetized body such as that of a ship. magnetic moment the property of a magnet that interacts with an applied field to give a mechanical moment. magnetic needle a piece of magnetized steel used as an indicator on the dial of a compass and in magnetic and electrical apparatus, esp. in telegraphy. magnetic north the point indicated by the north end of a compass needle. magnetic pole 1 each of the points near the extremities of the axis of rotation of the earth or another body where a magnetic needle dips vertically.
2 each of the regions of an artificial or natural magnet, from which the magnetic forces appear to originate. magnetic storm a disturbance of the earth's magnetic field caused by charged particles from the sun etc. magnetic tape a tape coated with magnetic material for recording sound or pictures or for the storage of information.
magnetically adv.
LL magneticus (as MAGNET)



absorbing, adductive, alluring, appealing, arresting, attracting, attractive, attrahent, authoritative, beguiling, bewitching, captivating, charismatic, charming, consequential, consuming, diamagnetic, dragging, drawing, effective, effectual, efficacious, electromagnetic, enchanting, engaging, engrossing, enthralling, entrancing, estimable, fascinating, ferromagnetic, gripping, holding, hypnotic, important, influential, inviting, irresistible, magnetized, mesmeric, mesmerizing, momentous, obsessing, obsessive, personable, persuasive, polar, potent, powerful, prestigious, pulling, reputable, seductive, spellbinding, strong, suasive, substantial, sympathetic, telling, tugging, weighty, winning, winsome
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