Invert, v. & n.
1 turn upside down.
2 reverse the position, order, or relation of.
3 Mus. change the relative position of the notes of (a chord or interval) by placing the lowest note higher, usu. by an octave.
4 subject to inversion.
1 a homosexual.
2 an inverted arch, as at the bottom of a sewer.
inverted comma = quotation mark. inverted snob a person who likes or takes pride in what a snob might be expected to disapprove of. invert sugar a mixture of dextrose and laevulose.
inverter n. invertible adj. invertibility n.
L invertere invers- (as IN-(2), vertere turn)
auntie, bi-guy, bisexual, bull dyke, butch, catamite, change, chicken, convert, dyke, evert, fag, faggot, fairy, femme, flip, flit, fricatrice, fruit, gunsel, homo, homophile, homosexual, homosexualist, introvert, intussuscept, invaginate, inverse, lesbian, nance, pansy, pathic, pronate, punk, queen, queer, resupinate, reverse, revert, revolve, rotate, sapphist, supinate, transplace, transpose, tribade, turn, turn about, turn around, turn down, turn in, turn inside out, turn out, turn over, turn the scale, turn the tables, turn upside down
be contrary, contrast with, oppose, diller toto coelo, invert, reverse, turn the tables, turn topsy-turvy, turn end for end, turn upside down, turn inside out, contradict, contravene, antagonize.
be inverted, turn round, turn about, turn to the right about, go round, go about, go to the right about, wheel round, wheel about, wheel to the right about, turn over, go over, tilt over, topple over, capsize, turn turtle, invert, subvert, retrovert, introvert, reverse, up turn, over turn, up set, over set, turn topsy turvy, culbuter, transpose, put the cart before the horse, turn the tables.