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Noun Integration has 3 senses


Integrationn. [L. integratio a renewing, restoring: cf. F. intégration.].
  •  The act or process of making whole or entire.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The operation of finding the primitive function which has a given function for its differential coefficient. See Integral.  [1913 Webster]
    " The symbol of integration is summa sum), and the integral is also regarded as the limiting value of the sum of great numbers of differentials, when the magnitude of the differentials decreases, and their number increases indefinitely. See Limit, n. When the summation is made between specified values of the variable, the result is a definite integral, and those values of the variable are the limits of the integral. When the summation is made successively for two or more variables, the result is a multiple integral."  [1913 Webster]
  •  In the theory of evolution: The process by which the manifold is compacted into the relatively simple and permanent. It is supposed to alternate with differentiation as an agent in development.  [1913 Webster]


Integration, n.
1 the act or an instance of integrating.
2 the intermixing of persons previously segregated.
3 Psychol. the combination of the diverse elements of perception etc. in a personality.

integrationist n.
L integratio (as INTEGRATE)



Anschluss, accommodation, adaptation, addition, adjustment, admixture, affiliation, agglomeration, aggregation, agreement, alignment, alliance, alloyage, amalgamation, approximation, assimilation, association, attunement, balancing, blend, blending, cabal, cahoots, cartel, centralization, coadunation, coalescence, coalition, coaptation, colleagueship, collectivity, collegialism, collegiality, combination, combine, combo, comminglement, commingling, commixture, complex, composition, comradeship, confederacy, confederation, confraternity, congeries, conglomeration, conjugation, conjunction, consolidation, conspiracy, coordination, copartnership, copartnery, differentiation, division, eclecticism, ecumenism, embodiment, encompassment, enosis, entirety, equalization, equalizing, equating, equation, equilibration, evening, evening up, evolution, extrapolation, federalization, federation, fellowship, fraternalism, fraternity, fraternization, freemasonry, fusion, harmonization, hookup, identity, immixture, inclusion, incorporation, individuality, indivisibility, intactness, integer, integrality, integrity, interfusion, interlarding, interlardment, interminglement, intermingling, intermixture, interpolation, inversion, inviolability, involution, irreducibility, junction, junta, league, marriage, meld, melding, merger, mingling, mixing, mixture, multiplication, notation, oneness, organic unity, package, package deal, particularity, partnership, pluralism, practice, proportion, purity, reconcilement, reconciliation, reduction, regularization, regulation, selfsameness, simplicity, singleness, singularity, sodality, solidarity, solidification, solidity, sorority, squaring, subtraction, symmetrization, synchronization, syncretism, syndication, syneresis, synthesis, tie-in, tie-up, timing, totality, transformation, undividedness, unification, uniformity, union, uniqueness, unity, univocity, wedding, whole, wholeness




N whole, totality, integrity, totalness, entirety, ensemble, collectiveness, unity, completeness, indivisibility, indiscerptibility, integration, embodiment, integer, all, the whole, total, aggregate, one and all, gross amount, sum, sum total, tout ensemble, length and breadth of, Alpha and Omega, be all and end all, complex, complexus, lock stock and barrel, bulk, mass, lump, tissue, staple, body, compages, trunk, torso, bole, hull, hulk, skeleton greater part, major part, best part, principal part, main part, essential part, lion's share, Benjamin's mess, the long and the short, nearly, all, almost all, whole, total, integral, entire, complete, one, individual, unbroken, intact, uncut, undivided, unsevered, unclipped, uncropped, unshorn, seamless, undiminished, undemolished, undissolved, undestroyed, unbruised, indivisible, indissoluble, indissolvable, indiscerptible, wholesale, sweeping, comprehensive, wholly, altogether, totally, entirely, all, all in all, as a whole, wholesale, in a body, collectively, all put together, in the aggregate, in the lump, in the mass, in the gross, in the main, in the long run, en masse, as a body, on the whole, bodily, en bloc, in extenso, throughout, every inch, substantially, tout bien ou rien.


N completeness, completion, integration, allness, entirety, perfection, solidity, solidarity, unity, all, ne plus ultra, ideal, limit, complement, supplement, make-weight, filling, up, impletion, saturation, saturity, high water, high tide, flood tide, spring tide, fill, load, bumper, bellyful, brimmer, sufficiency, complete, entire, whole, perfect, full, good, absolute, thorough, plenary, solid, undivided, with all its parts, all- sided, exhaustive, radical, sweeping, thorough-going, dead, regular, consummate, unmitigated, sheer, unqualified, unconditional, free, abundant, brimming, brimful, topful, topfull, chock full, choke full, as full as an egg is of meat, as full as a vetch, saturated, crammed, replete, fraught, laden, full-laden, full-fraught, full-charged, heavy laden, completing, supplemental, supplementary, ascititious, completely, altogether, outright, wholly, totally, in toto, quite, all out, over head and ears, effectually, for good and all, nicely, fully, through thick and thin, head and shoulders, neck and heel, neck and crop, in all respects, in every respect, at all points, out and out, to all intents and purposes, toto coelo, utterly, clean, clean as a whistle, to the full, to the utmost, to the backbone, hollow, stark, heart and soul, root and branch, down to the ground, to the top of one's bent, as far as possible, a outrance, throughout, from first to last, from beginning to end, from end to end, from one end to the other, from Dan to Beersheba, from head to foot, from top to toe, from top to bottom, de fond en comble, a fond, a capite ad calcem, ab ovo usque ad mala, fore and aft, every, whit, every inch, cap-a-pie, to the end of the chapter, up to the brim, up to the ears, up to the eyes, as a as can be, on all accounts, sous tous les rapports, with a vengeance, with a witness, falsus in uno falsus in omnibus, false in one thing, false in everything, omnem movere lapidem, una scopa nuova spazza bene.


N numeration, numbering, pagination, tale, recension, enumeration, summation, reckoning, computation, supputation, calculation, calculus, algorithm, algorism, rhabdology, dactylonomy, measurement, statistics, arithmetic, analysis, algebra, geometry, analytical geometry, fluxions, differential calculus, integral calculus, infinitesimal calculus, calculus of differences, dead reckoning, muster, poll, census, capitation, roll call, recapitulation, account, notation, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, rule of three, practice, equations, extraction of roots, reduction, involution, evolution, estimation, approximation, interpolation, differentiation, integration, abacus, logometer, slide rule, slipstick, tallies, Napier's bones, calculating machine, difference engine, suan- pan, adding machine, cash register, electronic calculator, calculator, computer, arithmetician, calculator, abacist, algebraist, mathematician, statistician, geometer, programmer, accountant, auditor, numeral, numerical, arithmetical, analytic, algebraic, statistical, numerable, computable, calculable, commensurable, commensurate, incommensurable, incommensurate, innumerable, unfathomable, infinite, quantitatively, arithmetically, measurably, in numbers.

See related words and definitions of word "Integration" in Indonesian
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