L, Long Melford, abstract, acquitted, all the way, allure, anchor, anchorage, and, and sinker, angle, angle off, annex, apex, appropriate, arc, arch, argue into, articulate, backhand, backhander, backstroke, bag, bait, bait the hook, baited trap, bar, batten, batten down, belt, bend, bend back, berth, bifurcate, bifurcation, bight, bill, birdlime, bola, bolo punch, bolt, boom, boost, borrow, bow, branch, breakwater, bring over, bring round, bring to reason, buckle, butt, button, cabbage, cant, cape, captivate, capture, catacaustic, catch, catch out, catenary, caustic, charm, chersonese, chevron, circle, clasp, claws, cleared, cleat, clip, clotheshorse, clothespin, clutches, cobweb, coin, collar, come what may, come-on, completely, con, conchoid, convince, cop, coral reef, corner, crane, crank, crib, crook, crotchet, curl, curve, decoy, decoy duck, decurve, deflect, deflection, defraud, delta, diacaustic, digits, dogleg, dome, dovetail, dragnet, draw over, drawcard, drawing card, elbow, ell, ellipse, embezzle, embow, endearment, enmesh, ensnare, ensnarl, entangle, entirely, entoil, entrap, enweb, exonerated, extort, fangs, fastener, festoon, filch, fingernails, fingers, fishhook, flex, fly, foreland, fork, foul, furcate, furcation, gain, gain over, gallows, garter, gibbet, gill net, gin, grab, ground bait, hake, hands, hanger, harpoon, hasp, haymaker, head, headland, hinge, hitch, holder, hook, hook in, hooks, horse, hump, hunch, hyperbola, in the clear, incurvate, incurve, inflect, inflection, inveigle, jam, jaws, jig, joint, knee, knob, land, lariat, lasso, latch, let off, liberate, lift, lime, line, lituus, lock, loop, lure, make off with, mandibles, maxillae, meathooks, mesh, meshes, miter, mitts, mooring, mooring buoy, moorings, mortise, mudhook, mull, nab, nail, nails, naze, ness, net, nick, nip, nippers, nook, noose, off, one-two, out of it, outtalk, palm, parabola, peg, peninsula, persuade, pilfer, pin, pincers, pinch, plug, poach, point, pothook, pounces, pound net, prevail on, prevail upon, prevail with, promontory, purloin, purse seine, quoin, rabbet, recurve, reef, reflect, reflex, remove, retroflex, ring, rip off, rivet, rob, rope, round, round-arm blow, roundhouse, run away with, rustle, sack, sag, sandspit, scarf, screw, scrounge, seine, seize, sell, sell one on, set free, sew, shoplift, short-arm blow, sidewinder, sinus, skewer, slip, snag, snap, snare, snarl, snatch, sniggle, snitch, somehow or other, someway, spar, spear, spinner, spit, spread the toils, springe, spur, squid, staple, steal, stick, stitch, stud, suspenders, suspensory, swag, sway, sweep, swerve, swindle, swing, swipe, tack, take, talk into, talk over, talons, tangle, tangle up with, teeth, thieve, thoroughly, through and through, toggle, toils, tongue, totally, tracery, trap, trawl, trip, turn, unguals, ungulae, uppercut, utterly, vault, veer, vertex, vindicated, walk off with, wangle, wangle into, wear down, wedge, wholly, win, win over, wind, wobbler, yard, yardarm, zag, zig, zigzag, zipper
join, unite, conjoin, connect, associate, put together, lay together, clap together, hang together, lump together, hold together, piece together, tack together, fix together, bind up together together, embody, reembody, roll into one, attach, fix, affix, saddle on, fasten, bind, secure, clinch, twist, make fast, tie, pinion, string, strap, sew, lace, tat, stitch, tack, knit, button, buckle, hitch, lash, truss, bandage, braid, splice, swathe, gird, tether, moor, picket, harness, chain, fetter, lock, latch, belay, brace, hook, grapple, leash, couple, accouple, link, yoke, bracket, marry, bridge over, span, braze, pin, nail, bolt, hasp, clasp, clamp, crimp, screw, rivet, impact, solder, set, weld together, fuse together, wedge, rabbet, mortise, miter, jam, dovetail, enchase, graft, ingraft, inosculate, entwine, intwine, interlink, interlace, intertwine, intertwist, interweave, entangle, twine round, belay, tighten, trice up, screw up, be joined, hang together, hold together, cohere.
connection, vinculum, link, connective, connection, junction, bond of union, copula, hyphen, intermedium, bracket, bridge, stepping-stone, isthmus, bond, tendon, tendril, fiber, cord, cordage, riband, ribbon, rope, guy, cable, line, halser, hawser, painter, moorings, wire, chain, string, fastener, fastening, tie, ligament, ligature, strap, tackle, rigging, standing rigging, running rigging, traces, harness, yoke, band ribband, bandage, brace, roller, fillet, inkle, with, withe, withy, thong, braid, girder, tiebeam, girth, girdle, cestus, garter, halter, noose, lasso, surcingle, knot, running knot, cabestro, cinch, lariat, legadero, oxreim, suspenders, pin, corking pin, nail, brad, tack, skewer, staple, corrugated fastener, clamp, U-clamp, C-clamp, cramp, cramp iron, ratchet, detent, larigo, pawl, terret, treenail, screw, button, buckle, clasp, hasp, hinge, hank, catch, latch, bolt, latchet, tag, tooth, hook, hook and eye, lock, holdfast, padlock, rivet, anchor, grappling iron, trennel, stake, post, cement, glue, gum, paste, size, wafer, solder, lute, putty, birdlime, mortar, stucco, plaster, grout, viscum, shackle, rein, prop.
retention, retaining, keep, detention, custody, tenacity, firm hold, grasp, gripe, grip, iron grip, fangs, teeth, claws, talons, nail, unguis, hook, tentacle, tenaculum, bond, clutches, tongs, forceps, pincers, nippers, pliers, vice, paw, hand, finger, wrist, fist, neaf, neif, bird in hand, captive, retaining, retentive, tenacious, unforfeited, undeprived, undisposed, uncommunicated, incommunicable, inalienable, in mortmain, in strict settlement, uti possidetis.
take, catch, hook, nab, bag, sack, pocket, put into one's pocket, receive, accept, reap, crop, cull, pluck, gather, draw, appropriate, expropriate, impropriate, assume, possess oneself of, take possession of, commandeer, lay one's hands on, clap one's hands on, help oneself to, make free with, dip one's hands into, lay under contribution, intercept, scramble for, deprive of, take away, carry away, bear away, take off, carry off, bear off, adeem, abstract, hurry off with, run away with, abduct, steal, ravish, seize, pounce upon, spring upon, swoop to, swoop down upon, take by storm, take by assault, snatch, reave, snap up, nip up, whip up, catch up, kidnap, crimp, capture, lay violent hands on, get hold of, lay hold of, take hold of, catch hold of, lay fast hold of, take firm hold of, lay by the heels, take prisoner, fasten upon, grip, grapple, embrace, gripe, clasp, grab, clutch, collar, throttle, take by the throat, claw, clinch, clench, make sure of, catch at, jump at, make a grab at, snap at, snatch at, reach, make a long arm, stretch forth one's hand, take from, take away from, disseize, deduct, retrench, dispossess, ease one of, snatch from one's grasp, tear from, tear away from, wrench from, wrest from, wring from, extort, deprive of, bereave, disinherit, cut off with a shilling, oust, divest, levy, distrain, confiscate, sequester, sequestrate, accroach, usurp, despoil, strip, fleece, shear, displume, impoverish, eat out of house and home, drain, drain to the dregs, gut, dry, exhaust, swallow up, absorb, draw off, suck the blood of, suck like a leech, retake, resume, recover.
pendency, dependency, suspension, hanging, pedicel, pedicle, peduncle, tail, train, flap, skirt, pigtail, pony tail, pendulum, hangnail peg, knob, button, hook, nail, stud, ring, staple, tenterhook, fastening, spar, horse, pendent, pendulous, pensile, hanging, beetling, jutting over, overhanging, projecting, dependent, suspended, loose, flowing, having a peduncle, pedunculate, tailed, caudate.
curvature, curvity, curvation, incurvature, incurvity, incurvation, bend, flexure, flexion, flection, conflexure, crook, hook, bought, bending, deflection, deflexion, inflection, inflexion, concameration, arcuation, devexity, turn, deviation, detour, sweep, curl, curling, bough, recurvity, recurvation, sinuosity, kink, carve, arc, arch, arcade, vault, bow, crescent, half-moon, lunule, horseshoe, loop, crane neck, parabola, hyperbola, helix, spiral, catenary, festoon, conchoid, cardioid, caustic, tracery, arched ceiling, arched roof, bay window, bow window, sine curve, spline, spline curve, spline function, obliquity, curved, curviform, curvilineal, curvilinear, devex, devious, recurved, recurvous, crump, bowed, vaulted, hooked, falciform, falcated, semicircular, crescentic, sinusoid, parabolic, paraboloid, luniform, lunular, semilunar, conchoidal, helical, double helical, spiral, kinky, cordiform, cordated, cardioid, heart shaped, bell shaped, boat shaped, crescent shaped, lens shaped, moon shaped, oar shaped, shield shaped, sickle shaped, tongue shaped, pear shaped, fig shaped, kidney-shaped, reniform, lentiform, lenticular, bow-legged, oblique, circular, aduncated, arclike, arcuate, arched, beaked, bicorn, bicornuous, bicornute, clypeate, clypeiform, cymbiform, embowed, galeiform, hamate, hamiform, hamous, hooked, linguiform, lingulate, lobiform, lunate, navicular, peltate, remiform, rhamphoid, rostrate, rostriferous, rostroid, scutate, scaphoid, uncate, unguiculate, unguiform.