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Daftar Isi -- Hearty
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Adjective, Noun


Adjective Hearty has 5 senses


  •  Pertaining to, or proceeding from, the heart; warm; cordial; bold; zealous; sincere; willing; also, energetic; active; eager; as, a hearty welcome; hearty in supporting the government.  [1913 Webster]
    "Full of hearty tears
    For our good father's loss.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Exhibiting strength; sound; healthy; firm; not weak; as, a hearty man; hearty timber.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Promoting strength; nourishing; rich; abundant; as, hearty food; a hearty meal.
Syn. -- Sincere; real; unfeigned; undissembled; cordial; earnest; warm; zealous; ardent; eager; active; vigorous.
     Comrade; boon companion; good fellow; -- a term of familiar address and fellowship among sailors.  Dickens.  [1913 Webster]


Hearty, adj. & n.
--adj. (heartier, heartiest)
1 strong, vigorous.
2 spirited.
3 (of a meal or appetite) large.
4 warm, friendly.
1 a hearty person, esp. one ostentatiously so.
2 (usu. in pl.) (as a form of address) fellows, esp. fellow sailors.

heartiness n.



AB, Ancient Mariner, Argonaut, Dylan, Flying Dutchman, Neptune, OD, Poseidon, Varuna, abandoned, ablaze, able seaman, able-bodied seaman, abundant, active, acute, affable, affectionate, afire, aggressive, amiable, amicable, ample, animated, antic, ardent, authentic, beefy, bluejacket, boiling over, bon vivant, boon, boon companion, bouncing, breathless, brisk, buccaneer, burning, capersome, coltish, committed, convivial, cordial, dedicated, deep, deep-sea man, delirious, devoted, devout, doughty, drunk, dynamic, eager, earnest, energetic, enterprising, enthusiastic, excited, exuberant, fair-weather sailor, faithful, febrile, fervent, fervid, festive, fevered, feverish, fiery, fisherman, flaming, flush, flushed, forceful, forcible, forcy, free and easy, friendly, frisky, frolicsome, full of beans, full of pep, full-blooded, full-strength, gamesome, gay, generous, genial, genuine, glowing, go-go, good fellow, gracious, gutsy, gutty, hail-fellow-well-met, hale, hale and hearty, hard, hard as nails, hardy, healthy, heartfelt, heated, hefty, honest, hospitable, hot, hot-blooded, husky, impassioned, impetuous, in earnest, incisive, intense, intent, intent on, intoxicated, invigorating, iron-hard, jack, jack afloat, jack-tar, jacky, jolly, jolly fellow, jovial, keen, kinetic, liberal, limey, lively, living, lobsterman, loyal, lusty, mariner, matelot, mettlesome, mighty, navigator, neighborly, nervy, nourishing, obstinate, on fire, open, openhearted, passionate, peppy, perfervid, pirate, playful, pot companion, potent, powerful, privateer, profound, profuse, puissant, receptive, red-blooded, red-hot, resolute, responsive, robust, robustious, robustuous, rollicking, rollicksome, rompish, rude, rugged, sailor, salt, satisfying, sea dog, sea rover, seafarer, seafaring man, seaman, serious, shipman, sincere, sizeable, skittish, smacking, snappy, solid, sound, spanking, spirited, sportive, sprightly, square, stalwart, steaming, steamy, steely, stout, strapping, strengthening, strenuous, strong, strong as brandy, strong as strong, strong-willed, sturdy, substantial, take-charge, take-over, tar, trenchant, unfeigned, unrestrained, vehement, vibrant, vigorous, viking, vital, vivacious, vivid, warm, warmhearted, water dog, welcoming, whaler, white-hot, wholehearted, windjammer, windsailor, zealous, zestful, zesty, zippy




N willingness, voluntariness, willing mind, heart, disposition, inclination, leaning, animus, frame of mind, humor, mood, vein, bent, penchant, aptitude, docility, docibleness, persuasibleness, persuasibility, pliability, geniality, cordiality, goodwill, alacrity, readiness, earnestness, forwardness, eagerness, asset, compliance, pleasure, gratuitous service, labor of love, volunteer, volunteering, willing, minded, fain, disposed, inclined, favorable, favorably- minded, favorably inclined, favorably disposed, nothing loth, in the vein, in the mood, in the humor, in the mind, ready, forward, earnest, eager, bent upon, predisposed, propense, docile, persuadable, persuasible, suasible, easily persuaded, facile, easy-going, tractable, genial, gracious, cordial, cheering, hearty, content, voluntary, gratuitous, spontaneous, unasked &c (ask), unforced, willingly, fain, freely, as lief, heart and soul, with pleasure, with all one's heart, with open arms, with good will, with right will, de bonne volonte, ex animo, con amore, heart in hand, nothing loth, without reluctance, of one's own accord, graciously, with a good grace, a la bonne heure, by all means, by all manner of means, to one's heart's content, yes.


N health, sanity, soundness, vigor, good health, perfect health, excellent health, rude health, robust health, bloom, mens sana in corpore sano, Hygeia, incorruption, incorruptibility, good state of health, clean bill of health, eupepsia, euphoria, euphory, St. Anthony's fire, healthy, healthful, in health, well, sound, hearty, hale, fresh, green, whole, florid, flush, hardy, stanch, staunch, brave, robust, vigorous, weatherproof, unscathed, uninjured, unmaimed, unmarred, untainted, sound of wind and limb, safe and sound, on one's legs, sound as a roach, sound as a bell, fresh as a daisy, fresh as a rose, fresh as April, hearty as a buck, in fine feather, in high feather, in good case, in full bloom, pretty bobbish, tolerably well, as well as can be expected, sanitary sanatory, health that snuffs the morning air, non est vivere sed valere vita.


N feeling, suffering, endurance, tolerance, sufferance, supportance, experience, response, sympathy, impression, inspiration, affection, sensation, emotion, pathos, deep sense, warmth, glow, unction, gusto, vehemence, fervor, fervency, heartiness, cordiality, earnestness, eagerness, empressement, gush, ardor, zeal, passion, enthusiasm, verve, furore, fanaticism, excitation of feeling, fullness of the heart, passion, ecstasy, blush, suffusion, flush, hectic, tingling, thrill, turn, shock, agitation, quiver, heaving, flutter, flurry, fluster, twitter, tremor, throb, throbbing, pulsation, palpitation, panting, trepidation, perturbation, ruffle, hurry of spirits, pother, stew, ferment, state of excitement, feeling, sentient, sensuous, sensorial, sensory, emotive, emotional, of feeling, with feeling, warm, quick, lively, smart, strong, sharp, acute, cutting, piercing, incisive, keen, keen as a razor, trenchant, pungent, racy, piquant, poignant, caustic, impressive, deep, profound, indelible, deep felt, home felt, heartfelt, swelling, soul-stirring, deep-mouthed, heart-expanding, electric, thrilling, rapturous, ecstatic, earnest, wistful, eager, breathless, fervent, fervid, gushing, passionate, warm-hearted, hearty, cordial, sincere, zealous, enthusiastic, glowing, ardent, burning, red-hot, fiery, flaming, boiling over, pervading, penetrating, absorbing, rabid, raving, feverish, fanatical, hysterical, impetuous, impressed with, moved with, touched with, affected with, penetrated with, seized with, imbued with, devoured by, wrought up, struck all of a heap, rapt, in a quiver, enraptured, heart and soul, from the bottom of one's heart, ab imo pectore, at heart, con amore, heartily, devoutly, over head and ears, head over heels, the heart big, the heart full, the heart swelling, the heart beating, the heart pulsating, the heart throbbing, the heart thumping, the heart beating high, the heart melting, the heart overflowing, the heart bursting, the heart breaking, the heart goes out, a heart as big as all outdoors (sympathy).


N cheerfulness, geniality, gayety, l'allegro, cheer, good humor, spirits, high spirits, animal spirits, flow of spirits, glee, high glee, light heart, sunshine of the mind, sunshine of the breast, gaiete de coeur, bon naturel, liveliness, life, alacrity, vivacity, animation, allegresse, jocundity, joviality, jollity, levity, jocularity, mirth, merriment, hilarity, exhilaration, laughter, merrymaking, heyday, rejoicing, marriage bell, nepenthe, Euphrosyne, sweet forgetfulness, optimism, self complacency, hedonics, hedonism, cheerful, happy, cheery, cheerly, of good cheer, smiling, blithe, in spirits, in good spirits, breezy, bully, chipper, in high spirits, in high feather, happy as the day is long, happy as a king, gay as a lark, allegro, debonair, light, lightsome, light hearted, buoyant, debonnaire, bright, free and easy, airy, janty, jaunty, canty, hedonic, riant, sprightly, sprightful, spry, spirited, spiritful, lively, animated, vivacious, brisk as a bee, sparkling, sportive, full of play, full of spirit, all alive, sunny, palmy, hopeful, merry as a cricket, merry as a grig, merry as a marriage bell, joyful, joyous, jocund, jovial, jolly as a thrush, jolly as a sandboy, blithesome, gleeful, gleesome, hilarious, rattling, winsome, bonny, hearty, buxom, playful, playsome, folatre, playful as a kitten, tricksy, frisky, frolicsome, gamesome, jocose, jocular, waggish, mirth loving, laughter-loving, mirthful, rollicking, elate, elated, exulting, jubilant, flushed, rejoicing, cock-a-hoop, cheering, inspiriting, exhilarating, cardiac, cardiacal, pleasing, palmy, cheerfully, Int, never say die!, come!, cheer up!, hurrah!, hence loathed melancholy!, begone dull care!, away with melancholy!, a merry heart goes all the day, as merry as the day is long, ride si sapis.


N friendship, amity, friendliness, brotherhood, fraternity, sodality, confraternity, harmony, peace, firm friendship, staunch friendship, intimate friendship, familiar friendship, bosom friendship, cordial friendship, tried friendship, devoted friendship, lasting friendship, fast friendship, sincere friendship, warm friendship, ardent friendship, cordiality, fraternization, entente cordiale, good understanding, rapprochement, sympathy, fellow-feeling, response, welcomeness, affection, favoritism, good will, acquaintance, familiarity, intimacy, intercourse, fellowship, knowledge of, introduction, friendly, amicable, amical, well-affected, unhostile, neighborly, brotherly, fraternal, sympathetic, harmonious, hearty, cordial, warm- hearted, friends with, well with, at home with, hand in hand with, on good terms, on friendly terms, on amicable terms, on cordial terms, on familiar terms, on intimate terms, on good footing, on speaking terms, on visiting terms, in one's good graces, in one's good books, acquainted, familiar, intimate, thick, hand and glove, hail fellow well met, free and easy, welcome, amicably, with open arms, sans ceremonie, arm in arm, amicitia semper prodest, a mystic bond of brotherhood makes all men one, friendship is love without either flowers or veil, trulgus amicitias utilitate probat.

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