Great Leap Forward, advance, advancement, advancing, amelioration, amendment, anabasis, ascent, bettering, betterment, boost, career, course, driftway, enhancement, enrichment, eugenics, euthenics, forward motion, forwardal, forwarding, furtherance, furthering, gain ground, get ahead, get going, go, go ahead, go-ahead, improvement, leeway, lift, make headway, march, melioration, mend, mending, move forward, ongoing, onward course, passage, pickup, preferment, proceed, proficiency, progress, progression, progressiveness, promotion, recovery, restoration, revival, rise, rolling, rolling on, steerageway, sternway, travel, upbeat, uplift, upping, upswing, uptrend, upward mobility, way
navigation, aquatics, boating, yachting, ship, oar, paddle, screw, sail, canvas, aileron, natation, swimming, fin, flipper, fish's tail, aerostation, aerostatics, aeronautics, balloonery, balloon, ballooning, aviation, airmanship, flying, flight, volitation, wing, pinion, rocketry, space travel, astronautics, orbital mechanics, orbiting, voyage, sail, cruise, passage, circumnavigation, periplus, headway, sternway, leeway, fairway, mariner, flight, trip, shuttle, run, airlift, sailing, volant, aerostatic, seafaring, nautical, maritime, naval, seagoing, coasting, afloat, navigable, aerial, aeronautic, grallatory, under way, under sail, under canvas, under steam, on the wing, in flight, in orbit, bon voyage, spread the thin oar and catch the driving gale.
progress, progression, progressiveness, advancing, advance, advancement, ongoing, flood, tide, headway, march, rise, improvement, advancing, progressive, profluent, advanced, forward, onward, forth, on, ahead, under way, en route for, on one's way, on the way, on the road, on the high road, on the road to, in progress, in mid progress, in transitu, vestigia nulla retrorsum, westward the course of empire takes its way.