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Daftar Isi -- Hardy
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Adjective, Noun


Noun Hardy has 2 senses

Adjective Hardy has 3 senses


Hardya. [F. hardi, p. p. fr. OF. hardir to make bold; of German origin, cf. OHG. hertan to harden, G. härten. See Hard, a.].
  •  Bold; brave; stout; daring; resolute; intrepid.  [1913 Webster]
    "Hap helpeth hardy man alway."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Confident; full of assurance; in a bad sense, morally hardened; shameless.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Strong; firm; compact.  [1913 Webster]
    "[A] blast may shake in pieces his hardy fabric."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Inured to fatigue or hardships; strong; capable of endurance; as, a hardy veteran; a hardy mariner.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Able to withstand the cold of winter.  [1913 Webster]
    " Plants which are hardy in Virginia may perish in New England. Half-hardy plants are those which are able to withstand mild winters or moderate frosts."  [1913 Webster]
     A blacksmith's fuller or chisel, having a square shank for insertion into a square hole in an anvil, called the hardy hole.  [1913 Webster]


Hardy, adj. (hardier, hardiest)
1 robust; capable of enduring difficult conditions.
2 (of a plant) able to grow in the open air all the year.

hardy annual
1 an annual plant that may be sown in the open.
2 joc. a subject that comes up at regular intervals.
hardily adv. hardiness n.
ME f. OF hardi past part. of hardir become bold, f. Gmc, rel. to HARD



abiding, able-bodied, age-long, aged, ancient, antique, beefy, bold, bold-spirited, bouncing, brave, cartilaginous, chewy, chivalric, chivalrous, chronic, cohesive, constant, continuing, coriaceous, courageous, daring, deciduous, diuturnal, doughty, durable, enduring, ephemeral, evergreen, fearless, fibrous, fit, flush, forceful, forcible, forcy, full-blooded, full-strength, gallant, greathearted, gristly, gutsy, gutty, hale, hale and hearty, half-hardy, hard, hard as nails, healthy, hearty, hefty, heroic, herolike, husky, immutable, intransient, intrepid, inveterate, iron-hard, ironhearted, knightlike, knightly, lasting, leatherlike, leathery, lionhearted, long-lasting, long-lived, long-standing, long-term, longeval, longevous, lusty, macrobiotic, manful, manly, mighty, nervy, obstinate, of long duration, of long standing, perdurable, perduring, perennial, permanent, perpetual, persistent, persisting, plucky, potent, powerful, puissant, red-blooded, remaining, resistant, robust, robustious, robustuous, ropy, rude, rugged, sempervirent, sinewy, soldierlike, soldierly, sound, stable, stalwart, staying, steadfast, steely, stiff, stout, stouthearted, strapping, stringy, strong, strong as brandy, strong as strong, strong-willed, stubborn, sturdy, tenacious, tough, tough as leather, unfading, untiring, valiant, valorous, vigorous, viscid, vital, wiry




N health, sanity, soundness, vigor, good health, perfect health, excellent health, rude health, robust health, bloom, mens sana in corpore sano, Hygeia, incorruption, incorruptibility, good state of health, clean bill of health, eupepsia, euphoria, euphory, St. Anthony's fire, healthy, healthful, in health, well, sound, hearty, hale, fresh, green, whole, florid, flush, hardy, stanch, staunch, brave, robust, vigorous, weatherproof, unscathed, uninjured, unmaimed, unmarred, untainted, sound of wind and limb, safe and sound, on one's legs, sound as a roach, sound as a bell, fresh as a daisy, fresh as a rose, fresh as April, hearty as a buck, in fine feather, in high feather, in good case, in full bloom, pretty bobbish, tolerably well, as well as can be expected, sanitary sanatory, health that snuffs the morning air, non est vivere sed valere vita.


N strength, power, energy, vigor, force, main force, physical force, brute force, spring, elasticity, tone, tension, tonicity, stoutness, lustihood, stamina, nerve, muscle, sinew, thews and sinews, physique, pith, pithiness, virtility, vitality, athletics, athleticism, gymnastics, feats of strength, adamant, steel, iron, oak, heart of oak, iron grip, grit, bone, athlete, gymnast, acrobat, superman, Atlas, Hercules, Antaeus, Samson, Cyclops, Goliath, tower of strength, giant refreshed, strengthening, invigoration, refreshment, refocillation, dynamics, statics, strong, mighty, vigorous, forcible, hard, adamantine, stout, robust, sturdy, hardy, powerful, potent, puissant, valid, resistless, irresistible, invincible, proof against, impregnable, unconquerable, indomitable, dominating, inextinguishable, unquenchable, incontestable, more than a match for, overpowering, overwhelming, all powerful, all sufficient, sovereign, able-bodied, athletic, Herculean, Cyclopean, Atlantean, muscular, brawny, wiry, well-knit, broad-shouldered, sinewy, strapping, stalwart, gigantic, manly, man-like, manful, masculine, male, virile, unweakened, unallayed, unwithered, unshaken, unworn, unexhausted, in full force, in full swing, in the plenitude of power, stubborn, thick-ribbed, made of iron, deep-rooted, strong as a lion, strong as a horse, strong as an ox, strong as brandy, sound as a roach, in fine feather, in high feather, built like a brick shithouse, like a giant refreshed, strongly, by force, by main force, our withers are unwrung, Blut und Eisen, coelitus mihi vires, du fort au diable, en habiles gens, ex vi termini, flecti non frangi, he that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves an, inflexible in faith invincible in arms.


N courage, bravery, valor, resoluteness, boldness, spirit, daring, gallantry, intrepidity, contempt of danger, defiance of danger, derring-do, audacity, rashness, dash, defiance, confidence, self-reliance, manliness, manhood, nerve, pluck, mettle, game, heart, heart of grace, spunk, guts, face, virtue, hardihood, fortitude, intestinal fortitude, firmness, heart of oak, bottom, backbone, spine, resolution, bulldog courage, prowess, heroism, chivalry, exploit, feat, achievement, heroic deed, heroic act, bold stroke, man, man of mettle, hero, demigod, Amazon, Hector, lion, tiger, panther, bulldog, gamecock, fighting-cock, bully, fire eater, courageous, brave, valiant, valorous, gallant, intrepid, spirited, spiritful, high-spirited, high-mettled, mettlesome, plucky, manly, manful, resolute, stout, stout-hearted, iron-hearted, lion-hearted, heart of oak, Penthesilean, bold, bold-spirited, daring, audacious, fearless, dauntless, dreadless, aweless, undaunted, unappalled, undismayed, unawed, unblanched, unabashed, unalarmed, unflinching, unshrinking, unblanching, unapprehensive, confident, self-reliant, bold as a lion, bold as brass, enterprising, adventurous, venturous, venturesome, dashing, chivalrous, soldierly, heroic, fierce, savage, pugnacious, strong-minded, hardy, doughty, firm, determined, dogged, indomitable, up to, up to the scratch, upon one's mettle, reassured, unfeared, undreaded, one's blood being up, courage sans peur, fortes fortuna adjuvat, have I not in my time heard lions roar, I dare do all that may become a man, male vincetis sed vincite, omne solum forti patria, self-trust is the essence of heroism, stimulos dedit oemula virtus, strong and great, a hero, teloque animus proestantior omni, there, is always safety in valor, virtus ariete fortier.

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