Partlet, Seeing Eye dog, ballot-box stuffing, bandog, beat, beguile of, biddy, bilk, bitch, bossy, bowwow, brood mare, bunco, burn, canine, cardsharping, cheat, cheating, chisel, chouse, chouse out of, cog, cog the dice, con, con man, cow, cozen, cozenage, crib, defraud, defrauder, diddle, diddler, diddling, dishonesty, do, do in, do out of, dodge, doe, dog, double-dealer, euchre, ewe, ewe lamb, fake, fancy dog, filly, finagle, fishy transaction, flam, fleece, flimflam, flimflammer, fob, fraud, fraudulence, fraudulency, fudge, gerrymandering, gouge, graft, grift, guide dog, guinea hen, gull, gyp joint, have, heifer, hen, hind, hoax, hocus, hocus-pocus, humbug, illicit business, imposition, imposture, jenny, kennel, lap dog, lioness, mare, mountebank, mulct, nanny, nanny goat, overreach, pack of dogs, pack the deal, peahen, phony, pigeon, pooch, practice fraud upon, pup, puppy, racket, roe, rook, scam, screw, sell, sell gold bricks, sharper, shave, she-bear, she-goat, she-lion, sheep dog, shortchange, show dog, sled dog, slut, sow, spoof, stack the cards, stick, sting, swindle, take a dive, thimblerig, throw a fight, tigress, toy dog, trickster, victimize, vixen, watchdog, whelp, working dog