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Adjective, Noun


Noun Following has 2 senses

Adjective Following has 4 senses


  •  One's followers, adherents, or dependents, collectively.  Macaulay.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Vocation; business; profession.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Next after; succeeding; ensuing; as, the assembly was held on the following day.  [1913 Webster]
  •  (In the field of a telescope) In the direction from which stars are apparently moving (in consequence of the earth's rotation); as, a small star, north following or south following. In the direction toward which stars appear to move is called preceding.  [1913 Webster]
    " The four principal directions in the field of a telescope are north, south, following, preceding."  [1913 Webster]


Following, prep., n., & adj.
--prep. coming after in time; as a sequel to.
--n. a body of adherents or devotees.
--adj. that follows or comes after.



adherent, after, afterlife, alike, aped, appendage, appendant, attendance, attendant, audience, behind, below, body of retainers, buff, bugging, cadet, cavaliere servente, chase, clientage, clientele, cloak-and-dagger work, cohort, coming, coming after, consecution, consecutive, consecutiveness, consequent, consequential, consimilar, continuation, continuity, copied, copying, cortege, counterespionage, counterfeit, counterfeiting, counterintelligence, court, courtier, cynegetic, dangler, deducible, dependent, derivable, derivational, derivative, descent, disciple, dogging, electronic surveillance, emulation, ensuing, entourage, ersatz, espial, espionage, extension, fake, fakery, fan, favoring, final, fishing, flunky, follow, follow-up, follower, forgery, future time, halieutic, hanger-on, hangover, henchman, hit-off, homme de cour, homogeneous, hue and cry, hunting, identical, imitated, imitation, impersonation, imposture, impression, in full cry, in hot pursuit, in pursuit, infenible, intelligence, intelligence work, junior, lateness, later, like, line, lineage, lineal, logical sequence, military intelligence, mimesis, mimicked, mirroring, mock, nearly reproduced, next, next life, not unlike, observation, onomatopoeia, order, order of succession, parasite, parody, partisan, phony, piscatorial, piscatory, plagiarism, plagiary, postdate, postdating, posterior, posteriority, postposition, postpositional, postpositive, procession, progression, prolongation, prosecution, provenience, proximate, public, puisne, pursuance, pursuant, pursuer, pursuing, pursuit, pursuivant, quest, questing, remainder, repetition, resembling, resultant, resulting, retinue, rotation, rout, satellite, searching, secret police, secret service, sectary, seeking, sequacious, sequence, sequent, sequential, series, shadow, shadowing, similar, simulated, simulation, since, smacking of, something like, spying, stakeout, stalking, stooge, subjunction, subsequence, subsequent, subsequent to, succeeding, succession, successive, successiveness, successor, suffixation, suffixed, suggestive of, suite, supervenience, supervention, supporter, surveillance, synthetic, tagtail, tail, tailing, takeoff, tracking, tracking down, trailing, train, trainbearer, uniform with, votary, ward heeler, wiretap, wiretapping, younger




N posteriority, succession, sequence, following, subsequence, supervention, futurity, successor, sequel, remainder, reversion, subsequent, posterior, following, after, later, succeeding, postliminious, postnate, postdiluvial, postdiluvian, puisne, posthumous, future, afterdinner, postprandial, subsequently, after, afterwards, since, later, at a subsequent, at a later period, at a later date, next, in the sequel, close upon, thereafter, thereupon, upon which, eftsoons, from that time, from that moment, after a while, after a time, in process of time, posteriority, succession, sequence, following, subsequence, supervention, futurity, successor, sequel, remainder, reversion, subsequent, posterior, following, after, later, succeeding, postliminious, postnate, postdiluvial, postdiluvian, puisne, posthumous, future, afterdinner, postprandial, subsequently, after, afterwards, since, later, at a subsequent, at a later period, at a later date, next, in the sequel, close upon, thereafter, thereupon, upon which, eftsoons, from that time, from that moment, after a while, after a time, in process of time.


N sequence, coming after, going after, consecution, succession, posteriority, continuation, order of succession, successiveness, paracme, secondariness, subordinancy, afterbirth, afterburden, placenta, secundines, succeeding, v, sequent, subsequent, consequent, sequacious, proximate, next, consecutive, alternate, amoebean, latter, posterior, after, subsequently, behind, sequence, coming after, (time), following pursuit, follower, attendant, satellite, shadow, dangler, train, subsequent, next, succeeding, following, behind, in the rear, in the train of, in the wake of, after.


N demonstration, proof, rigorous proof, conclusiveness, apodeixis, apodixis, probation, comprobation, logic of facts, experimentum crucis, argument, rigorous establishment, absolute establishment, conviction, cogency, (persuasion), demonstrating, demonstrative, demonstrable, probative, unanswerable, conclusive, apodictic, apodeictic, apodeictical, irresistible, irrefutable, irrefragable, necessary, categorical, decisive, crucial, demonstrated, proven, unconfuted, unanswered, unrefuted, evident, deducible, consequential, consectary, inferential, following, convincing, cogent, persuasive (believable), of course, in consequence, consequently, as a matter of course, necessarily, of necessity, probatum est, there is nothing more to be said, quod est demonstrandum, Q, E, D, it must follow, exitus acta probat.

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