Either, adj., pron., adv., & conj.
--adj. & pron.
1 one or the other of two (either of you can go; you may have either book).
2 each of two (houses on either side of the road; either will do).
--adv. & conj.
1 as one possibility (is either black or white).
2 as one choice or alternative; which way you will (either come in or go out).
3 (with neg. or interrog.) a any more than the other (I didn't like it either; if you do not go, I shall not either). b moreover (there is no time to lose, either).
either-or n. an unavoidable choice between alternatives.
--adj. involving such a choice. either way in either case or event.
OE {aelig}gther f. Gmc
a certain, a deux, an, any, any one, anybody, anyone, anything, atomic, aught, both, correspondingly, exclusive, for two, identically, in kind, in like manner, in that way, individual, indivisible, integral, irreducible, like, like that, like this, likewise, lone, monadic, monistic, one, similarly, simple, single, singular, so, sole, solid, solitary, tete-a-tete, the two, thus, unanalyzable, undivided, uniform, unique, unitary, whole
Absence of Choice
absence of choice, no choice, Hobson's choice, first come first served, random selection, necessity, not a pin to choose, any, the first that comes, that or nothing, neutrality, indifference, indecision, arbitrariness, coercion (compulsion), neutral, neuter, indifferent, uninterested, undecided, either, who cares?, what difference does it make?, There's not a dime's worth of difference between t.