abandon, abrade, abrasion, band, bar, bark, belt, birthmark, blackhead, bleb, blemish, blister, bloody, boutade, brainstorm, break, bug, bulla, burn, capriccio, caprice, chafe, check, chic, chip, cicatrix, cicatrize, claw, comedo, conceit, concussion, crack, crackle, crank, crater, crazy fancy, crazy idea, crotchet, cry, cut, deface, defacement, defect, deform, deformation, deformity, delirium, dement, derange, disfiguration, disfigure, disfigurement, distort, distortion, distract, drive insane, drive mad, ecstasy, enthusiasm, enthusiasticalness, fad, faddiness, faddishness, faddism, faddist, fancy, fantastic notion, fantasy, fascination, fashion, fault, fever, fire and fury, flash burn, flaw, flimflam, fool notion, fracture, fray, frazzle, freak, freakish inspiration, freckle, frenzy, fret, furor, furore, fury, gall, gash, harebrained idea, hemangioma, hickey, humor, hurt, hysteria, incise, incision, infatuation, injure, injury, intoxication, keloid, kink, lacerate, laceration, last word, lentigo, lesion, list, mad, madden, madness, maggot, maim, make mad, make mincemeat of, mania, manic-depressive psychosis, mar, maul, megrim, milium, mole, mortal wound, mutilate, mutilation, needle scar, nevus, notion, novelty, obsession, orgasm, orgy, passing fancy, passion, pierce, pimple, pit, pock, pockmark, port-wine mark, port-wine stain, puncture, pustule, quirk, rage, rapture, ravishment, rend, rent, rift, rip, run, rupture, savage, scab, scald, scar, scarify, scorch, scotch, scrape, scratch, scuff, sebaceous cyst, second-degree burn, send mad, shatter, skin, slash, slit, sore, split, sprain, stab, stab wound, stick, strain, strawberry mark, streak, streaking, stria, striation, striature, striga, striola, stripe, striping, sty, style, tear, tearing passion, thing, third-degree burn, towering rage, toy, track, transport, trauma, traumatize, trend, twist, unbalance, unhinge, vagary, verruca, vesicle, vogue, wale, warp, wart, weal, welt, wen, whim, whim-wham, whimsy, whitehead, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench, wrinkle
fashion, style, ton, bon ton, society, good society, polite society, monde, drawing-room, civilized life, civilization, town, beau monde, high life, court, world, fashionable world, gay world, Vanity Fair, show, manners, breeding, air, demeanor, savoir faire, gentlemanliness, gentility, decorum, propriety, biens_eance, conventions of society, Mrs, Grundy, punctilio, form, formality, etiquette, point of etiquette, dress, custom, mode, vogue, go, rage, prevailing taste, fad, trend, bandwagon, furore, thing, in thing, craze, chic, last word, man of fashion, woman of fashion, man of the world, woman of the world, height of fashion, pink of fashion, star of fashion, glass of fashion, leader of fashion, arbiter elegantiarum, the beautiful people, the fashion set, upper ten thousand, elite, smart set, the four hundred, in crowd, fashionable, in fashion, a la mode, comme il faut, admitted in society, admissible in society, presentable, conventional, genteel, well-bred, well mannered, well behaved, well spoken, gentlemanlike, gentlemanly, ladylike, civil, polite, polished, refined, thoroughbred, courtly, distingue, unembarrassed, degage, janty, jaunty, dashing, fast, modish, stylish, chic, trendy, recherche, newfangled, all the rage, all the go, with it, in, faddish, in court, in full dress, in evening dress, en grande tenue, fashionably, for fashion's sake, a la francaise, a la parisienne, a l' anglaise, a l' americaine, autre temps autre mauers, chaque pays a sa guise.
insanity, disordered reason, disordered intellect, diseased mind, unsound mind, abnormal mind, derangement, unsoundness, psychosis, neurosis, cognitive disorder, affective disorder, insanity, lunacy, madness, mania, rabies, furor, mental alienation, aberration, paranoia, schizophrenia, dementation, dementia, demency, phrenitis, phrensy, frenzy, raving, incoherence, wandering, delirium, calenture of the brain, delusion, hallucination, lycanthropy, brain storm, vertigo, dizziness, swimming, sunstroke, coup de soleil, siriasis, fanaticism, infatuation, craze, oddity, eccentricity, twist, monomania (caprice), kleptodipsomania, hypochondriasis, melancholia, depression, clinical depression, severe depression, hysteria, amentia, screw loose, tile loose, slate loose, bee in one's bonnet, rats in the upper story, dotage, insane, mad, lunatic, loony, crazy, crazed, aliene, non compos mentis, not right, cracked, touched, bereft of reason, all possessed, unhinged, unsettled in one's mind, insensate, reasonless, beside oneself, demented, daft, phrenzied, frenzied, frenetic, possessed, possessed with a devil, deranged, maddened, moonstruck, shatterpated, mad-brained, scatter brained, shatter brained, crackbrained, touched, tetched, off one's head, maniacal, delirious, lightheaded, incoherent, rambling, doting, wandering, frantic, raving, stark staring mad, stark raving mad, wild-eyed, berserk, delusional, hallucinatory, corybantic, dithyrambic, rabid, giddy, vertiginous, wild, haggard, mazed, flighty, distracted, distraught, depressed, agitated, hyped up, bewildered, mad as a March hare, mad as a hatter, of unsound mind, touched in one's head, wrong in one's head, not right in one's head, not in one's right mind, not right in one's wits, upper story, out of one's mind, out of one's wits, out of one's skull, far gone, out of one's senses, out of one's wits, not in one's right mind, fanatical, infatuated, odd, eccentric, hypped, hyppish, spaced out, imbecile, silly, like one possessed, the mind having lost its balance, the reason under a cloud, tet exaltee, tet montee, ira furor brevis est, omnes stultos insanire.