OK, acceptance, accord, acquiescence, affirmation, affirmative, affirmative voice, agreement, approbation, approval, artifice, assent, aye, blessing, cabal, chicane, chicanery, collusion, compliance, complicity, complot, confederacy, connivery, consent, conspiracy, contrivance, contriving, counterplot, covin, deep-laid plot, dodgery, eagerness, endorsement, engineering, finagling, finesse, foul play, frame-up, game, indulgence, intrigue, little game, machination, maneuvering, manipulation, okay, overlooking, permission, permissiveness, pettifoggery, pettifogging, plot, plotting, promptitude, promptness, ratification, readiness, rigging, sanction, scheme, schemery, scheming, sharp practice, skulduggery, sleight, stratagem, submission, sufferance, supercherie, tolerance, toleration, trick, trickery, underhand dealing, underplot, ungrudgingness, unloathness, unreluctance, web of intrigue, willingness, winking, wire-pulling
permission, leave, allowance, sufferance, tolerance, toleration, liberty, law, license, concession, grace, indulgence, favor, dispensation, exemption, release, connivance, vouchsafement, authorization, warranty, accordance, admission, permit, warrant, brevet, precept, sanction, authority, firman, hukm, pass, passport, furlough, license, carte blanche, ticket of leave, grant, charter, patent, letters patent, permitting, permissive, indulgent, permitted, patent, chartered, permissible, allowable, lawful, legitimate, legal, legalized, licit, unforbid, unforbidden, unconditional, by leave, with leave, on leave, speciali gratia, under favor of, pace, ad libitum, by all means, yes, avec permissin, brevet d'invention.