abort, accommodate, adjust, arrange, assume, be afraid, believe, button up, cap, carry to completion, cease, clean up, climax, close, close out, close up, close with, collect, complete, completed, compose, conceive, concluded, consider, crown, culminate, daresay, decide, deduce, deduct, deem, derive, determine, divine, done, down, draw, draw a conclusion, draw an inference, dream, end, ended, expect, extract, fancy, feel, fetch, figure, finalize, find, finish, finish off, finish up, finished, fix, gather, get done, get it over, get through, get through with, glean, grant, halt, imagine, induce, infer, judge, let, let be, make, make out, make up, mop up, opine, perfect, perorate, prefigure, presume, presuppose, presurmise, provisionally accept, purpose, reason, reason that, reckon, repute, resolve, round out, rule, say, scrap, scratch, seal, settle, settle with, stop, straighten out, suppose, surmise, suspect, take, take a resolution, take as proved, take for, take for granted, take it, take to be, terminate, terminated, think, through, top off, top out, ultimate, understand, will, wind up, work out, wrap up
have determination, know one's own mind, be resolved, make up one's mind, will, resolve, determine, decide, form a determination, come to a determination, come to a resolution, come to a resolve, conclude, fix, seal, determine once for all, bring to a crisis, drive matters to an extremity, take a decisive step, take upon oneself, devote oneself to, give oneself up to, throw away the scabbard, kick down the ladder, nail one's colors to the mast, set one's back against the wall, set one's teeth, put one's foot down, take one's stand, stand firm, steel oneself, stand no nonsense, not listen to the voice of the charmer, buckle to, buckle oneself put one's shoulder to the wheel, lay one's shoulder to the wheel, set one's shoulder to the wheel, put one's heart into, run the gauntlet, make a dash at, take the bull by the horns, rush in medias res, plunge in medias res, go in for, insist upon, make a point of, set one's heart upon, set one's mind upon, stick at nothing, stop at nothing, make short work of, not stick at trifles, go all lengths, go the limit, go the whole hog, persist, go through fire and water, ride the tiger, ride in the whirlwind and direct the storm.
end, close, finish, terminate, conclude, be all over, expire, die, come-, draw-to-a-close, have run its course, run out, pass away, bring to an end, put an end to, make an end of, determine, get through, achieve, stop, shut up shop, hang up one's fiddle.
contract, covenant, agree for, engage, treat, negotiate, stipulate, make terms, bargain, make a bargain, strike a bargain, come to terms, come to an understanding, compromise, set at rest, close, close with, conclude, complete, settle, confirm, ratify, clench, subscribe, underwrite, endorse, indorse, put the seal to, sign, seal, indent, take one at one's word, bargain by inch of candle.
judge, conclude, come to a conclusion, draw a conclusion, arrive at a conclusion, ascertain, determine, make up one's mind, deduce, derive, gather, collect, draw an inference, make a deduction, weet, ween, form an estimate, estimate, appreciate, value, count, assess, rate, rank, account, regard, consider, think of, look upon, review, size up, settle, pass an opinion, give an opinion, decide, try, pronounce, rule, pass judgment, pass sentence, sentence, doom, find, give judgment, deliver judgment, adjudge, adjudicate, arbitrate, award, report, bring in a verdict, make absolute, set a question at rest, confirm, comment, criticize, kibitz, pass under review, investigate, hold the scales, sit in judgment, try judgment, hear a cause.