Adrianople red, Alice blue, Arabian red, Argos brown, Bordeaux, Brunswick black, Brunswick blue, Burgundy, Capri blue, Cassel yellow, Chinese blue, Chinese white, Claude tint, Cologne brown, Columbian red, Congo rubine, Copenhagen blue, Dresden blue, Dutch orange, Egyptian green, English red, French blue, French gray, Gobelin blue, Goya, Guinea green, India pink, Indian red, Irish green, Janus green, Kelly green, Kendal green, Kildare green, Klangfarbe, Lincoln green, Majolica earth, Mars orange, Mars violet, Mexican red, Mitis green, Montpellier green, Nile green, Paris green, Paris yellow, Persian blue, Persian red, Pompeian blue, Prussian blue, Prussian red, Quaker green, Roman umber, Saint Benoit, Saxe blue, Saxony green, Schweinfurt green, Spanish green, Spanish ocher, Tanagra, Tangier ocher, Technicolor, Titian, Turkey red, Turkey umber, Tyrian purple, Vandyke red, Vienna green, Wedgwood blue, Wedgwood green, absinthe, acid yellow, acier, acorn, acting, action, adjunct, adorn, adornment, affect, affectation, air, alabaster, alesan, alibi, alizarin brown, allow for, allowance, amber, amethyst, amidonaphthol red, anagnorisis, aniline black, aniline blue, annatto, anthracene brown, anthragallol, antique brown, antique gold, any color, apology, appearance, apple green, apply paint, apricot, aqua green, aquamarine, architectonics, architecture, argument, arrangement, array, arsenic yellow, ash, ash gray, atmosphere, attitude, attitudinizing, aureolin, autumn leaf, avocado green, azo blue, azo-orange, azulene, azure, azurite blue, baby blue, background, badge, balance, banner, barium sulfate, bat, bearing, beautify, bedaub, bedeck, bedizen, begild, belie, bend, benzoazurine, beryl, beryl green, besmear, besprinkle, bias, bice, biscuit, bister, blanc fixe, blanch, blazon, bleu celeste, blind, blond, blood, blue black, blue turquoise, bluff, bluffing, blush, bone black, bone brown, bottle green, bracken, brand, breathe, breed, brew, bright color, bright rose, brightness, brilliance, brow, brush on paint, brushwork, buff, bunny brown, burgee, burgundy, burlesque, burnt Roman ocher, burnt almond, burnt carmine, burnt ocher, burnt rose, burnt sienna, butter, cadet blue, cadmium orange, cadmium yellow, cafe noir, calamine blue, calcimine, camouflage, canary, carbon black, cardinal, caricature, carmine, carnation, carnelian, carotene, carriage, cartoon, cast, cast of countenance, catastrophe, celadon, censor, cerulean, chalk, chamois, champagne, change color, character, characterization, charcoal, chartreuse, chartreuse green, chartreuse tint, chartreuse yellow, cheating, chestnut, chrome, chrome black, chrome lemon, chrome orange, chrome oxide green, chrome red, chrome yellow, chromogen, chrysophenin, chrysoprase green, ciba blue, cinder gray, cinnabar, citron green, civette green, clan, clang color, claret, clematis, cloak, cloud gray, coat, coat of paint, coating, cobalt, cobalt green, cochineal, coconut, color filter, color gelatin, color patterns, color up, colorant, colorfulness, coloring, colors, complexion, complication, composition, conceal, continuity, contrivance, copper, copper red, coptic, copy, corbeau, cordovan, cornflower, countenance, cover, cover story, cover-up, cramoisie, crash, crayon, cream, cresol red, crimson, crocus, crosshatch, crystal gray, cucumber green, cyan, cyanine blue, cypress green, dab, dahlia, damask, damson, dandelion, dandify, darken, dash off, daub, dead leaf, dead-color, deception, deck, deck out, decoct, decontamination, decor, decorate, decoration, deep-dye, delft blue, delineate, delusion, demeanor, denomination, denouement, depict, description, design, designation, development, device, diagram, diminish, dip, disguise, dispose, dissemblance, dissembling, dissimulation, distemper, distort, dizen, doeskin, doll up, doodle, double-dye, dove gray, drab, draft, draftsmanship, draw, dredge, dress, dress up, drier, drop black, duck green, dun, dye, dyestuff, ease, edit, eggshell, elaboration, embellish, embellishment, emblazon, emblazonment, emblazonry, emblem, embroider, embroidery, emerald, emeraude, enamel, engild, enrich, ensign, entincture, episode, erythema, exaggerate, excuse, extenuate, extenuating circumstances, extenuation, extenuative, exterior paint, fable, facade, face, facial appearance, faded rose, fake, fakery, faking, falling action, false air, false front, false show, falsify, falsity, fast-dye, favor, feather, feature, features, feigning, feint, fiesta, fig out, fir, fire red, fix up, flag, flame, flat coat, flat wash, flavor, flax, flesh, flesh color, flesh red, floor enamel, floridity, floridness, flourish, flower arrangement, flush, foliage brown, form, four-flushing, fox, fraud, fresco, front, frown, fuchsia, fuchsine, fudge, furbish, furniture arrangement, gaiety, gamboge, garb, garble, garnish, garnishment, garniture, garter blue, genre, genus, gild, gilding, gilt, gimmick, glare, glauconite, glaucous, glaucous blue, glaucous gray, glaucous green, glaze, gloss, gloss over, glow, glower, gnarl, golden pheasant, gonfalon, gorgeousness, grace, grain, grape, grass green, green ocher, grege, ground, grouping, grow red, growl, guise, gules, gun metal, gussy up, handle, hatch, hazel, helianthin, heliotrope, henna, high color, holly green, honey, honey yellow, hue, humbug, humbuggery, hyacinth, hyacinth red, identification, identity, ignore, ilk, illuminate, illumination, imbrue, imbue, imperial purple, imposture, impregnate, incarnadine, incident, incline, indigo, indigo white, induce, infiltrate, influence, infrared, infuse, ingrain, instill, intensity, interior paint, iron gray, iron red, isamine blue, ivory, ivory black, jack, jade, japan, jockey, jonquil, jouvence blue, kidney, kin, kind, label, lacquer, lake, lame excuse, lampblack, lapis lazuli blue, lavender, lavender blue, lay on color, lead, lead gray, leaf green, leather, leaven, lemon chrome, lessen, light red, lilac, limn, line, lineaments, lines, liver brown, livid pink, lobster, local color, locus standi, look black, look daggers, looks, lot, lower, loyalties, madder, madder blue, madder crimson, madder lake, madder orange, madder pink, madder rose, madder yellow, magenta, magnify, maize, make, make allowance for, malachite green, mallow, mallow pink, mandarin, manner, mantle, maple sugar, marigold, marine blue, mark, maroon, mask, masquerade, massicot, mauve, meadow brook, medium, melon, meretriciousness, metanil yellow, methyl green, methyl orange, methyl yellow, methylene azure, methylene blue, mien, mignonette, milori green, mince, miscite, miscolor, misconstrue, misdirect, misinterpret, misquote, misrender, misreport, misrepresent, misstate, misteach, misuse, mitigate, mitigation, mold, moleskin, monsignor, mood, moonlight, moss green, motif, mouse gray, move, movement, mulberry, mummy, murrey, myrtle, mythos, naphthol yellow, nature, navy, navy blue, negro, neutral tint, new blue, number, ocher brown, ocher orange, ocher red, oil yellow, old blue, old gold, old ivory, old red, olive, olive brown, olivesheen, opal gray, opaque color, orange chrome yellow, orange lead, orange madder, orange mineral, orange ocher, orchid, orchid rose, oriflamme, oriole, ornament, ornamentation, orpiment, orpiment red, ostensible motive, ostentation, otter brown, outward show, overcharge, overdraw, overpaint, overstate, oxblood, oxide brown, pad, paint, paint a picture, painterliness, pale, palladium red, palliate, palliation, palliative, pansy, pansy violet, parget, parody, parrot green, partridge, patina green, peach, peachblossom pink, peacock blue, pearl, pearl gray, pebble, pelican, pencil, penetrate, pennant, pennon, pepper-and-salt, peripeteia, permeate, perspective, persuade, persuasion, pervade, pervert, philamot, phosphine, phylum, physiognomy, picture, picturize, pigment, pigmentation, pink, plan, platinum, plausibility, playacting, plot, plum, plumbago gray, pompadour green, ponceau, pontiff purple, poor excuse, poppy, port, portray, pose, posing, position, posture, powder blue, powder gray, prank, prank up, predispose, preen, presence, pretense, pretension, pretext, prettify, prime, prime coat, primer, priming, primp, primp up, primrose, primuline yellow, prink, prink up, prompt, protestation, public motive, puce, pumpkin, pure color, purple lake, purree, put-off, put-on, pyrethrum yellow, qualification, quince yellow, race, raisin, raw sienna, raw umber, realgar, realgar orange, recognition, red, red lead, red ocher, red pink, red race, redden, reddishness, redecorate, redness, redo, refuge, refurbish, regal purple, representation, reseda, resorcin dark brown, richness, rising action, roan, roccellin, rose, rose pink, rouge, royal pink, royal purple, rubine, rubor, ruby, ruddle, rufosity, russet, saffron, salmon, sand, sap green, saturate, saturation, scarlet madder, scheme, scowl, scratch, screen, scumble, sea blue, sea-water green, seal, season, secondary plot, seeming, semblance, serpentine green, set off, set out, shade, shading, shadow, sham, shamrock, shape, shell pink, shellac, shocking pink, show, silver, simulacrum, simulation, sketch, sky blue, slant, slop on paint, slur over, smalt, smarten, smarten up, smear, smoke blue, smoke gray, smoke screen, snap, snapdragon, snarl, soft-pedal, soften, soften up, softening, solferino, sort, species, speciousness, spit, spruce up, squirm with self-consciousness, stain, stalking-horse, stammel, stammer, stamp, stance, stand, standard, steel blue, steel gray, steep, stencil, stil-de-grain yellow, stipple, story, strain, stratagem, straw, strawberry, streamer, stripe, structure, style, subject, subplot, subterfuge, suffuse, sulfur, sunflower yellow, suntan, sway, switch, symbols, taint, tangerine, tartrazine, taupe, tawny, tea rose, technique, temper, tempera, tenne, terra cotta, terra sienna, terra umbra, terre-verte, the like of, the likes of, thematic development, theme, thinner, timbre, tinct, tinction, tincture, tinge, tint, titivate, toast, toluidine red, tonality, tone, tone color, tone quality, topaz, topic, torture, trace, traits, transfuse, transparent color, travesty, treatment, tribe, trick, trick out, trick up, trim, trimming, trypan blue, turn, turn color, turn pale, turn red, turpentine, turps, turquoise, twist, type, ultramarine, umber, undercoat, undercoating, understate, values, variety, varnish, vehicle, veil, verd gay, verdant green, verdet, verdigris, vermilionette, violet, viridian, viridine green, visage, vividness, warp, wash, wash coat, wear down, weigh with, white lead, whiten, whitewash, whitewashing, window dressing, wine, wine purple, woad, work, wrench, xanthene, xanthin, yellow madder, yellow ocher, zaffer, zinc orange, zinc oxide, zinc sulfide, zinc white
pretext, pretense, pretension, plea, allegation, advocation, ostensible motive, ostensible ground, ostensible reason, phony reason, excuse, subterfuge, color, gloss, guise, cover, loop hole, starting hole, how to creep out of, salvo, come off, way of escape, handle, peg to hang on, room locus standi, stalking-horse, cheval de bataille, cue, pretense, put off, dust thrown in the eyes, blind, moonshine, mere pretext, shallow pretext, lame excuse, lame apology, tub to a whale, false plea, sour grapes, makeshift, shift, white lie, special pleading, soft sawder, ostensibly, alleged, apologetic, pretended, ostensibly, under color, under the plea, under the pretense of, under the guise of.
resent, take amiss, take ill, take to heart, take offense, take umbrage, take huff, take exception, take in ill part, take in bad part, take in dudgeon, ne pas entendre raillerie, breathe revenge, cut up rough, fly into a rage, fall into a rage, get into a rage, fly into a passion, bridle up, bristle up, froth up, fire up, flare up, open the vials of one's wrath, pour out the vials of one's wrath, pout, knit the brow, frown, scowl, lower, snarl, growl, gnarl, gnash, snap, redden, color, look black, look black as thunder, look daggers, bite one's thumb, show one's teeth, grind one's teeth, champ the bit, champ at the bit, chafe, mantle, fume, kindle, fly out, take fire, boil, boil over, boil with indignation, boil with rage, rage, storm, foam, vent one's rage, vent one's spleen, lose one's temper, stand on one's hind legs, stamp the foot, stamp with rage, quiver with rage, swell with rage, foam with rage, burst with anger, raise Cain, have a fling at, bear malice, cause anger, raise anger, affront, offend, give offense, give umbrage, anger, hurt the feelings, insult, discompose, fret, ruffle, nettle, huff, pique, excite, irritate, stir the blood, stir up bile, sting, sting to the quick, rile, provoke, chafe, wound, incense, inflame, enrage, aggravate, add fuel to the flame, fan into a flame, widen the breach, envenom, embitter, exasperate, infuriate, kindle wrath, stick in one's gizzard, rankle, hit on the raw, rub on the raw, sting on the raw, strike on the raw, put out of countenance, put out of humor, put one's monkey up, put one's back up, raise one's gorge, raise one's dander, raise one's choler, work up into a passion, make one's blood boil, make the ears tingle, throw, into a ferment, madden, drive one mad, lash into fury, lash into madness, fool to the top of one's bent, set by the ears, bring a hornet's nest about one's ears.
color, hue, tint, tinge, dye, complexion, shade, tincture, cast, livery, coloration, glow, flush, tone, key, pure color, positive color, primary color, primitive complementary color, three primaries, spectrum, chromatic dispersion, broken color, secondary color, tertiary color, local color, coloring, keeping, tone, value, aerial perspective, chromatics, spectrum analysis, spectroscopy, chromatism, chromatography, chromatology, prism, spectroscope, spectrograph, spectrometer, colorimeter (optical instruments), pigment, coloring matter, paint, dye, wash, distemper, stain, medium, mordant, oil paint, colored, colorific, tingent, tinctorial, chromatic, prismatic, full-colored, high-colored, deep-colored, doubly-dyed, polychromatic, chromatogenous, tingible, bright, vivid, intense, deep, fresh, unfaded, rich, gorgeous, gay, gaudy, florid, gay, garish, rainbow-colored, multihued, showy, flaunting, flashy, raw, crude, glaring, flaring, discordant, inharmonious, mellow, pastel, harmonious, pearly, sweet, delicate, tender, refined.
color, dye, tinge, stain, tint, tinct, paint, wash, ingrain, grain, illuminate, emblazon, bedizen, imbue, paint.
blackness darkness, (want of light), swartliness, lividity, dark color, tone, color, chiaroscuro, nigrification, infuscation, jet, ink, ebony, coal pitch, soot, charcoal, sloe, smut, raven, crow, negro, blackamoor, man of color, nigger, darkie, Ethiop, black, buck, nigger, coon, sambo, lampblack, ivory black, blueblack, writing ink, printing ink, printer's ink, Indian ink, India ink, in mourning.
redness, red, scarlet, vermilion, carmine, crimson, pink, lake, maroon, carnation, couleur de rose, rose du Barry, magenta, damask, purple, flesh color, flesh tint, color, fresh color, high color, warmth, gules, ruby, carbuncle, rose, rust, iron mold, cinnabar, cochineal, fuchsine, ruddle, madder, Indian red, light red, Venetian red, red ink, annotto, annatto, realgar, minium, red lead, redness, rubescence, rubicundity, rubification, erubescence, blush, red, reddish, rufous, ruddy, florid, incarnadine, sanguine, rosy, roseate, blowzy, blowed, burnt, rubicund, rubiform, lurid, stammell blood red, russet buff, murrey, carroty, sorrel, lateritious, rubineous, rubricate, rubricose, rufulous, rose-colored, ruby-colored, cherry-colored, claret-colored, flame- colored, flesh-colored, peach-colored, salmon-colored, brick-colored, brick-colored, dust-colored, blushing, erubescent, reddened, red as fire, red as blood, red as scarlet, red as a turkey cock, red as a lobster, warm, hot, foxy.
appearance, phenomenon, sight, spectacle, show, premonstration, scene, species, view, coup d'oeil, lookout, outlook, prospect, vista, perspective, bird's-eye view, scenery, landscape, picture, tableau, display, exposure, mise en sc ne, rising of the curtain, phantasm, phantom, pageant, spectacle, peep-show, raree-show, gallanty-show, ombres chinoises, magic lantern, phantasmagoria, dissolving views, biograph, cinematograph, moving pictures, panorama, diorama, cosmorama, georama, coup de theatre, jeu de theatre, pageantry, insignia, aspect, angle, phase, phasis, seeming, shape, guise, look, complexion, color, image, mien, air, cast, carriage, port, demeanor, presence, expression, first blush, face of the thing, point of view, light, lineament feature trait lines, outline, outside, contour, face, countenance, physiognomy, visage, phiz, cast of countenance, profile, tournure, cut of one s jib, metoposcopy, outside, apparent, seeming, ostensible, on view, apparently, to all seeming, to all appearance, ostensibly, seemingly, as it seems, on the face of it, prima facie, at the first blush, at first sight, in the eyes of, to the eye, editio princeps.
probability, likelihood, credibleness, likeliness, vraisemblance, verisimilitude, plausibility, color, semblance, show of, presumption, presumptive evidence, circumstantial evidence, credibility, reasonable chance, fair chance, good chance, favorable chance, reasonable prospect, fair prospect, good prospect, favorable prospect, prospect, wellgrounded hope, chance, probable, likely, hopeful, to be expected, in a fair way, plausible, specious, ostensible, colorable, ben trovato, well-founded, reasonable, credible, easy of belief, presumable, presumptive, apparent, probably, belike, in all probability, in all likelihood, very likely, most likely, like enough, odds on, odds in favor, ten to one, apparently, seemingly, according to every reasonable expectation, prim=a facie, to all appearance, the chances, the odds are, appearances are in favor of, chances are in favor of, there is reason to believe, there is reason to think, there is reason to expect, I dare say, all Lombard Street to a China orange.
be false, be a liar, speak falsely, tell a lie, lie, fib, lie like a trooper, swear false, forswear, perjure oneself, bear false witness, misstate, misquote, miscite, misreport, misrepresent, belie, falsify, pervert, distort, put a false construction upon (misinterpret), prevaricate, equivocate, quibble, palter, palter to the understanding, repondre en Normand, trim, shuffle, fence, mince the truth, beat about the bush, blow hot and cold, play fast and loose, garble, gloss over, disguise, give a color to, give a gloss, put a gloss, put false coloring upon, color, varnish, cook, dress up, embroider, varnish right and puzzle wrong, exaggerate, blague, invent, fabricate, trump up, get up, force, fake, hatch, concoct, romance, cry 'wolf!', dissemble, dissimulate, feign, assume, put on, pretend, make believe, play possum, play false, play a double game, coquet, act a part, play a part, affect, simulate, pass off for, counterfeit, sham, make a show of, malinger, say the grapes are sour, cant, play the hypocrite, sham Abraham, faire pattes de velours, put on the mask, clean the outside of the platter, lie like a conjuror, hand out false colors, hold out false colors, sail under false colors, commend the poisoned chalice to the lips, ambiguas in vulgum spargere voces, deceive.
exaggerate, magnify, pile up, aggravate, amplify, overestimate, hyperbolize, overcharge, overstate, overdraw, overlay, overshoot the mark, overpraise, make over much, over the most of, strain, strain over a point, stretch, stretch a point, go great lengths, spin a long yarn, draw with a longbow, shoot with a longbow, deal in the marvelous, out-Herod Herod, run riot, talk at random, heighten, overcolor, color highly, color too highly, broder, flourish, color, puff.
paint, design, limn draw, sketch, pencil, scratch, shade, stipple, hatch, dash off, chalk out, square up, color, dead color, wash, varnish, draw in pencil, paint in oils, stencil, depict.