bark, bawl, bay, beep, belch, bell, bellow, blare forth, blast, blat, blate, blaze, blaze abroad, blazing light, blazon, blazon about, bleat, blinding light, blow, blow the horn, blubber, boom, bray, breathe, bright light, brightness, brilliance, brilliancy, brilliant light, bugle, burr, burst of light, buzz, cackle, call, caterwaul, caw, celebrate, chant, chirp, chirr, clamor, clang, clangor, clank, clarion, clash, coo, craunch, croak, crow, crump, crunch, cry, cry out, dazzling light, declaim, drawl, echo, effulgence, exclaim, fanfare, flamboyance, flame, flare, flood of light, flourish of trumpets, flute, fulgor, gasp, give tongue, give voice, glare, glaring light, glory, glow, grind, groan, growl, grumble, grunt, herald, herald abroad, hiss, honk, howl, jangle, jar, keen, lilt, low, meow, mew, mewl, miaow, moo, mumble, murmur, mutter, neigh, nicker, noise, pant, peal, pipe, proclaim, promulgate, pule, radiance, radiancy, radiant splendor, rasp, refulgence, refulgency, resonate, resound, resplendence, resplendency, reverberate, ring, roar, rumble, scranch, scrape, scratch, screak, scream, screech, scrunch, shout, shriek, sibilate, sigh, sing, snap, snarl, snore, snort, sob, sound, sound a tattoo, sound taps, splendor, squall, squawk, squeak, squeal, streaming light, tantara, tantarara, taps, tarantara, tattoo, thunder, thunder forth, toot, tootle, troat, trumpet, trumpet blast, trumpet call, trumpet forth, twang, tweedle, ululate, vividness, wail, warble, whicker, whine, whinny, whisper, whistle, wind, yap, yawl, yawp, yell, yelp, yip, yowl
loudness, power, loud noise, din, blare, clang, clangor, clatter, noise, bombilation, roar, uproar, racket, hubbub, bobbery, fracas, charivari, trumpet blast, flourish of trumpets, fanfare, tintamarre, peal, swell, blast, larum, boom, bang (explosion), resonance, vociferation, hullabaloo, lungs, Stentor, artillery, cannon, thunder, loud, sonorous, high-sounding, big-sounding, deep, full, powerful, noisy, blatant, clangorous, multisonous, thundering, deafening, trumpet-tongued, ear-splitting, ear-rending, ear-deafening, piercing, obstreperous, rackety, uproarious, enough to wake the dead, enough to wake seven sleepers, shrill &c 410 clamorous stentorian, stentorophonic, loudly, aloud, at the top of one's voice, at the top of one's lungs, lustily, in full cry, the air rings with, the deep dread-bolted thunder.
be loud, peal, swell, clang, boom, thunder, blare, fulminate, roar, resound, speak up, shout, bellow, rend the air, rend the skies, fill the air, din in the ear, ring in the ear, thunder in the ear, pierce the ears, split the ears, rend the ears, split the head, deafen, stun, faire le diable a quatre, make one's windows shake, rattle the windows, awaken the echoes, startle the echoes, wake the dead.
cry, roar, bellow, blare, rebellow, growl, snarl, bark, bow-wow, yelp, bay, bay at the moon, yap, yip, yipe, growl, yarr, yawl, snarl, howl, grunt, gruntle, snort, squeak neigh, whinny, bray, mew, mewl, meow, purr, caterwaul, pule, baa, bleat, low, moo, troat, croak, peep, coo, gobble, quack, honk, gaggle, guggle, crow, caw, squawk, screech cackle, cluck, clack, chuck, chuckle, hoot, hoo, chirp, cheep, chirrup, twitter, cuckoo, warble, trill, tweet, pipe, whistle, hum, buzz, hiss, blatter, ratatat.