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Bent (root: bend)


Adjective, Noun


Noun Bent has 4 senses

Adjective Bent has 3 senses


Bentimp. & p. p. 
     imp. & p. p. of Bend.  [1913 Webster]
Benta. & p. p. 
  •  Changed by pressure so as to be no longer straight; crooked; as, a bent pin; a bent lever.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Strongly inclined toward something, so as to be resolved, determined, set, etc.; -- said of the mind, character, disposition, desires, etc., and used with on; as, to be bent on going to college; he is bent on mischief.  [1913 Webster]
Bentn. [See Bend, n. & v.].
  •  The state of being curved, crooked, or inclined from a straight line; flexure; curvity; as, the bent of a bow.  Wilkins.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A declivity or slope, as of a hill.  Dryden.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A leaning or bias; proclivity; tendency of mind; inclination; disposition; purpose; aim.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
    "With a native bent did good pursue."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Particular direction or tendency; flexion; course.  [1913 Webster]
    "Bents and turns of the matter."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A transverse frame of a framed structure.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Tension; force of acting; energy; impetus.  [1913 Webster]
    "The full bent and stress of the soul."  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Predilection; turn.
Bentn. [AS. beonet; akin to OHG. pinuz, G. binse, rush, bent grass; of unknown origin.].
  •  A reedlike grass; a stalk of stiff, coarse grass.  [1913 Webster]
    "His spear a bent, both stiff and strong."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A grass of the genus Agrostis, esp. Agrostis vulgaris, or redtop. The name is also used of many other grasses, esp. in America.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Any neglected field or broken ground; a common; a moor.  Wright.  [1913 Webster]
    "Bowmen bickered upon the bent."  [1913 Webster]


Bent, past and past part. of BEND(1) v.
1 curved or having an angle.
2 sl. dishonest, illicit.
3 sl. sexually deviant.
4 (foll. by on) determined to do or have.
1 an inclination or bias.
2 (foll. by for) a talent for something specified (a bent for mimicry).

Bent, n.
1 a any stiff grass of the genus Agrostis. b any of various grasslike reeds, rushes, or sedges.
2 a stiff stalk of a grass usu. with a flexible base.
3 archaic or dial. a heath or unenclosed pasture.

ME repr. OE beonet- (in place-names), f. Gmc



V-shaped, Y-shaped, a thing for, ability, abnormal, affinity, afflicted, aim, akimbo, an ear for, an eye for, anamorphous, angular, animus, apt, aptitude, aptness, arched, arciform, askew, asymmetric, awry, azimuth, bag, bearing, bend, bias, billowing, billowy, boiled, bombed, boozy, bowed, canned, capacity for, cast, character, chosen kind, cockeyed, cockeyed drunk, conatus, conduciveness, constitution, contorted, cornered, corrupt, corrupted, course, crazy, crocked, crocko, crook, crooked, crotched, crumpled, crunched, cup of tea, current, curvaceous, curvate, curvated, curve, curved, curvesome, curviform, curvilineal, curvilinear, curving, curvy, decided, decisive, deflected, delight, determined, deviant, deviative, diathesis, direction, direction line, dishonest, disposed, disposition, dispositioned, distorted, drift, druthers, eagerness, eccentricity, elevated, faculty, fancy, fascination, favor, favoritism, feeling for, felicity, flair, forejudgment, forked, fried, fuddled, furcal, furcate, geniculate, geniculated, genius, genius for, geosynclinal, gift, gift for, given, grain, half-seas over, head, heading, helmsmanship, high, hooked, idiosyncrasy, illegal, illuminated, in the mood, inclination, inclined, inclining, incurvate, incurvated, incurved, incurving, individualism, innate aptitude, intent, irregular, jagged, jaundice, jaundiced eye, kidney, knack, knee-shaped, labyrinthine, lay, leaning, liability, lie, likely, liking, line, line of direction, line of march, lit, lit up, loaded, lopsided, lubricated, lurch, lushy, make, makeup, mazy, meandering, mental set, mettle, mind, mind-set, minded, mold, mutual affinity, mutual attraction, muzzy, nature, navigation, nonsymmetric, nose, oiled, one-sided, one-sidedness, organized, orientation, partialism, partiality, particular choice, partisanship, peculiar, penchant, personal choice, perverse, perverted, pickled, pie-eyed, piloting, pissed, pissy-eyed, plastered, point, pointed, polluted, potted, preconception, predilection, predisposed, predisposition, preference, prejudgment, prejudice, prepossession, probability, proclivity, prone, proneness, propensity, quarter, raddled, range, readiness, recurvate, recurvated, recurved, recurving, resolute, resolved, round, rounded, run, saw-toothed, sawtooth, sensitivity to, serpentine, serrate, set, settled, sharp, sharp-cornered, sheer, shellacked, sinuous, skew, skunk-drunk, slant, slue, smashed, soaked, soft spot, soused, sprung, squiffy, stamp, steerage, steering, stewed, stinko, strain, strange, streak, stripe, style, susceptibility, swacked, swerve, sympathy, talent, tanked, taste, temper, temperament, tendency, tenor, thing, tight, tortuous, track, trend, tropism, turn, turn for, turn of mind, twist, twisted, type, undetachment, undispassionateness, undulant, unsymmetric, veer, warp, warped, wavy, way, weakness, weird, willingness, wry, zigzag




N willingness, voluntariness, willing mind, heart, disposition, inclination, leaning, animus, frame of mind, humor, mood, vein, bent, penchant, aptitude, docility, docibleness, persuasibleness, persuasibility, pliability, geniality, cordiality, goodwill, alacrity, readiness, earnestness, forwardness, eagerness, asset, compliance, pleasure, gratuitous service, labor of love, volunteer, volunteering, willing, minded, fain, disposed, inclined, favorable, favorably- minded, favorably inclined, favorably disposed, nothing loth, in the vein, in the mood, in the humor, in the mind, ready, forward, earnest, eager, bent upon, predisposed, propense, docile, persuadable, persuasible, suasible, easily persuaded, facile, easy-going, tractable, genial, gracious, cordial, cheering, hearty, content, voluntary, gratuitous, spontaneous, unasked &c (ask), unforced, willingly, fain, freely, as lief, heart and soul, with pleasure, with all one's heart, with open arms, with good will, with right will, de bonne volonte, ex animo, con amore, heart in hand, nothing loth, without reluctance, of one's own accord, graciously, with a good grace, a la bonne heure, by all means, by all manner of means, to one's heart's content, yes.


N affections, affect, character, qualities, disposition, nature, spirit, tone, temper, temperament, diathesis, idiosyncrasy, cast of mind, cast of soul, habit of mind, habit of soul, frame of mind, frame of soul, predilection, turn, natural turn of mind, bent, bias, predisposition, proneness, proclivity, propensity, propenseness, propension, propendency, vein, humor, mood, grain, mettle, sympathy, soul, heart, breast, bosom, inner man, heart's core, heart's strings, heart's blood, heart of hearts, bottom of one's heart, penetralia mentis, secret and inmost recesses of the heart, cockles of one's heart, inmost heart, inmost soul, backbone, passion, pervading spirit, ruling passion, master passion, furore, fullness of the heart, heyday of the blood, flesh and blood, flow of soul, energy, fervor, fire, force, affected, characterized, formed, molded, cast, attempered, tempered, framed, predisposed, prone, inclined, having a bias, tinctured with, imbued with, penetrated with, eaten up with, inborn, inbred, ingrained, deep-rooted, ineffaceable, inveterate, pathoscopic, congenital, dyed in the wool, implanted by nature, inherent, in the grain, affective, in one's heart, at heart, heart and soul, affection is a coal that must be cool'd else suffe.


N tendency, aptness, aptitude, proneness, proclivity, bent, turn, tone, bias, set, leaning to, predisposition, inclination, propensity, susceptibility, conatus, nisus, liability, quality, nature, temperament, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, cast, vein, grain, humor, mood, drift, conduciveness, conducement, applicability, subservience, tending, conducive, working towards, in a fair way to, calculated to, liable, subservient, useful, subsidiary, for, whither.


N desire, wish, fancy, fantasy, want, need, exigency, mind, inclination, leaning, bent, animus, partiality, penchant, predilection, propensity, willingness, liking, love, fondness, relish, longing, hankering, inkling, solicitude, anxiety, yearning, coveting, aspiration, ambition, vaulting ambition, eagerness, zeal, ardor, empressement, breathless impatience, overanxiety, impetuosity, appetite, appetition, appetence, appetency, sharp appetite, keenness, hunger, stomach, twist, thirst, thirstiness, drouth, mouthwatering, itch, itching, prurience, cacoethes, cupidity, lust, concupiscence, edge of appetite, edge of hunger, torment of Tantalus, sweet tooth, lickerish tooth, itching palm, longing eye, wistful eye, sheep's eye, greed, voracity, passion, rage, furore, mania, manie, inextinguishable desire, dipsomania, kleptomania, lover, amateur, votary, devotee, aspirant, solicitant, candidate, applicant, supplicant, cormorant, desideratum, want, a consummation devoutly to be wished, attraction, magnet, allurement, fancy, temptation, seduction, fascination, prestige, height of one's ambition, idol, whim, whimsy, whimsey, maggot, hobby, hobby-horse, Fortunatus's cap, wishing cap, wishing stone, wishing well, desirous, desiring, inclined, partial to, fain, wishful, optative, anxious, wistful, curious, at a loss for, sedulous, solicitous, craving, hungry, sharp-set, peckish, ravening, with an empty stomach, esurient, lickerish, thirsty, athirst, parched with thirst, pinched with hunger, famished, dry, drouthy, hungry as a hunter, hungry as a hawk, hungry as a horse, hungry as a church mouse, hungry as a bear, greedy, unsatisfied, unsated, unslaked, unsaturated, eager, avid, keen, burning, fervent, ardent, agog, all agog, breathless, impatient, bent on, intent on, set on, bent upon, intent upon, set upon, mad after, enrage, rabid, dying for, devoured by desire, aspiring, ambitious, vaulting, skyaspiring, high-reaching, desirable, desired, in demand, pleasing, appetizing, appetible, tantalizing, wistfully, fain, Int, would that, would that it were!, O for!, esto perpetual, the wish being father to the thought, sua cuique voluptas, hoc erat in votis, the mouth watering, the fingers itching, aut Caesar aut nullus, Cassius has a lean and hungry look, hungry as the grave, I was born to other things, not what we wish but what we want, such joy ambition finds, the sea hath bounds but deep desire hath none, ubi mel ibi apes.


N inclosure, envelope, case, wrapper, girdle, pen, fold, pen fold, in fold, sheep fold, paddock, pound, corral, yard, net, seine net, wall, hedge, hedge row, espalier, fence, pale, paling, balustrade, rail, railing, quickset hedge, park paling, circumvallation, enceinte, ring fence, barrier, barricade, gate, gateway, bent, dingle, door, hatch, cordon, prison, dike, dyke, ditch, fosse, moat.


N angularity, angularness, aduncity, angle, cusp, bend, fold, notch, fork, bifurcation, elbow, knee, knuckle, ankle, groin, crotch, crutch, crane, fluke, scythe, sickle, zigzag, kimbo, akimbo, corner, nook, recess, niche, oriel, coign, right angle, obliquity, angle of 45 degrees, miter, acute angle, obtuse angle, salient angle, reentering angle, spherical angle, angular measurement, angular elevation, angular distance, angular velocity, trigonometry, goniometry, altimetry, clinometer, graphometer, goniometer, theodolite, sextant, quadrant, dichotomy, triangle, trigon, wedge, rectangle, square, lozenge, diamond, rhomb, rhombus, quadrangle, quadrilateral, parallelogram, quadrature, polygon, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, oxygon, decagon, pyramid, cone, Platonic bodies, cube, rhomboid, tetrahedron, pentahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron, eicosahedron, prism, pyramid, parallelopiped, curb roof, gambrel roof, mansard roof, angular, bent, crooked, aduncous, uncinated, aquiline, jagged, serrated, falciform, falcated, furcated, forked, bifurcate, zigzag, furcular, hooked, dovetailed, knock kneed, crinkled, akimbo, kimbo, geniculated, oblique, fusiform, wedge-shaped, cuneiform, cuneate, multangular, oxygonal, triangular, trigonal, trilateral, quadrangular, quadrilateral, foursquare, rectangular, square, multilateral, polygonal, cubical, rhomboid, rhomboidal, pyramidal.

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