acedia, acquisitiveness, anger, avariciousness, avaritia, avidity, avidness, cheapness, closefistedness, closeness, covetousness, craving, cupidity, deadly sin, desire, envy, frenzy of desire, frugality, fury of desire, gluttony, grasping, graspingness, greed, greediness, gula, hardfistedness, hoarding, hoggishness, illiberality, incontinence, inordinate desire, insatiability, insatiable desire, intemperateness, invidia, ira, itching palm, lust, luxuria, meanness, miserliness, nearness, niggardliness, overgreediness, parsimoniousness, parsimony, penny-pinching, penuriousness, piggishness, pride, rapaciousness, rapacity, ravenousness, selfishness, sloth, sordidness, stinginess, superbia, swinishness, thrift, tight purse strings, tightfistedness, tightness, ungenerosity, voraciousness, voracity, wolfishness, wrath
gluttony, greed, avarice, greediness, voracity, epicurism, good living, high living, edacity, gulosity, crapulence, guttling, guzzling, pantophagy, good cheer, blow out, feast, gastronomy, batterie de cuisine, epicure, bon vivant, gourmand, glutton, cormorant, hog, belly god, Apicius, gastronome, gourmet, v, gormandize, gorge, overgorge, overeat oneself, engorge, eat one's fill, cram, stuff, guttle, guzzle, bolt, devour, gobble up, gulp, raven, eat out of house and home, have the stomach of an ostrich, play a good knife and fork, pamper, gluttonous, greedy, gormandizing, edacious, omnivorous, crapulent, swinish, avaricious, selfish, pampered, overfed, overgorged, jejunus raro stomachus vulgaria temnit.
greed, covetousness, ravenousness, venality, avidity, cupidity, acquisitiveness (acquisition), desire, greed, greediness, avarice, avidity, rapacity, extortion, selfishness, auri sacra fames, grasping, craving, canine appetite, rapacity, greedy, avaricious, covetous, acquisitive, grasping, rapacious, lickerish, greedy as a hog, overeager, voracious, ravenous, ravenous as a wolf, openmouthed, extortionate, exacting, sordid, alieni appetens, insatiable, insatiate, unquenchable, quenchless, omnivorous.
parsimony, parcity, parsimoniousness, stinginess, stint, illiberality, tenacity, avarice, greed, miser, niggard, churl, screw, skinflint, crib, codger, muckworm, scrimp, lickpenny, hunks, curmudgeon, Harpagon, harpy, extortioner, Jew, usurer, Hessian, pinch fist, pinch penny, parsimonious, penurious, stingy, miserly, mean, shabby, peddling, scrubby, penny wise, near, niggardly, close, fast handed, close handed, strait handed, close fisted, hard fisted, tight fisted, tight, sparing, chary, grudging, griping, illiberal, ungenerous, churlish, hidebound, sordid, mercenary, venal, covetous, usurious, avaricious, greedy, extortionate, rapacious, with a sparing hand, desunt inopioe multa avaritiae omnia, hoards after hoards his rising raptures fill, the unsunn'd heaps of miser's treasures.