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Daftar Isi -- After
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Adjective, Conjunction, Preposition, Adverb


Adjective After has 1 sense

Adverbial After has 2 senses


Aftera. [AS. æfter after, behind; akin to Goth. aftaro, aftra, backwards, Icel. aptr, Sw. and Dan. efter, OHG. aftar behind, Dutch and LG. achter, Gr. 'apwte`rw further off. The ending -ter is an old comparative suffix, in E. generally -ther (as in other), and after is a compar. of of, off. Of; cf. Aft.].
  •  Next; later in time; subsequent; succeeding; as, an after period of life.  Marshall.  [1913 Webster]
    " In this sense the word is sometimes needlessly combined with the following noun, by means of a hyphen, as, after-ages, after-act, after-days, after-life. For the most part the words are properly kept separate when after has this meaning."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Hinder; nearer the rear.
    "It is often combined with its noun; as, after-bowlines, after-braces, after-sails, after-yards, those on the mainmasts and mizzenmasts."  [1913 Webster]
After body (Naut.), the part of a ship abaft the dead flat, or middle part.
  •  Behind in place; as, men in line one after another.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Below in rank; next to in order.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
    "Codrus after Ph"  [1913 Webster]
  •  Later in time; subsequent; as, after supper, after three days. It often precedes a clause. Formerly that was interposed between it and the clause.  [1913 Webster]
    "After I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Subsequent to and in consequence of; as, after what you have said, I shall be careful.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Subsequent to and notwithstanding; as, after all our advice, you took that course.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Moving toward from behind; following, in search of; in pursuit of.  [1913 Webster]
    "Ye shall not go after other gods."  [1913 Webster]
    "After whom is the king of Israel come out?"  [1913 Webster]
  •  Denoting the aim or object; concerning; in relation to; as, to look after workmen; to inquire after a friend; to thirst after righteousness.  [1913 Webster]
  •  In imitation of; in conformity with; after the manner of; as, to make a thing after a model; a picture after Rubens; the boy takes after his father.  [1913 Webster]
    "Our eldest son was named George after his uncle."  [1913 Webster]
  •  According to; in accordance with; in conformity with the nature of; as, he acted after his kind.  [1913 Webster]
    "He shall not judge after the sight of his eyes."  [1913 Webster]
    "They that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh."  [1913 Webster]
  •  According to the direction and influence of; in proportion to; befitting.  [1913 Webster]
    "He takes greatness of kingdoms according to bulk and currency, and not after their intrinsic value."  [1913 Webster]
To name or call after, to name like and reference to.
After all, when everything has been considered; upon the whole. -- After (with the same noun preceding and following), as, wave after wave, day after day, several or many (waves, etc.) successively. -- One after another, successively. -- To be after, to be in pursuit of in order to reach or get; as, he is after money.
     Subsequently in time or place; behind; afterward; as, he follows after.  [1913 Webster]
    " After is prefixed to many words, forming compounds, but retaining its usual signification. The prefix may be adverbial, prepositional, or adjectival; as in after- described, after-dinner, after-part. The hyphen is sometimes needlessly used to connect the adjective after with its noun. See Note under After, a., 1."  [1913 Webster]
    "It was about the space of three hours after."  [1913 Webster]


After, prep., conj., adv., & adj.
1 a following in time; later than (after six months; after midnight; day after day). b US in specifying time (a quarter after eight).
2 (with causal force) in view of (something that happened shortly before) (after your behaviour tonight what do you expect?).
3 (with concessive force) in spite of (after all my efforts I'm no better off).
4 behind (shut the door after you).
5 in pursuit or quest of (run after them; inquire after him; hanker after it; is after a job).
6 about, concerning (asked after her; asked after her health).
7 in allusion to (named him William after the prince).
8 in imitation of (a person, word, etc.) (a painting after Rubens; 'aesthete' is formed after 'athlete').
9 next in importance to (the best book on the subject after mine).
10 according to (after a fashion).
--conj. in or at a time later than that when (left after they arrived).
1 later in time (soon after; a week after).
2 behind in place (followed on after; look before and after).
1 later, following (in after years).
2 Naut. nearer the stern (after cabins; after mast; after-peak).

after all
1 in spite of all that has happened or has been said etc. (after all, what does it matter?).
2 in spite of one's exertions, expectations, etc. (they tried for an hour and failed after all; so you have come after all!). after-care care of a patient after a stay in hospital or of a person on release from prison. after-damp choking gas left after an explosion of firedamp in a mine. after-effect an effect that follows after an interval or after the primary action of something. after-image an image retained by a sense-organ, esp. the eye, and producing a sensation after the cessation of the stimulus. after one's own heart see HEART. after-taste a taste remaining or recurring after eating or drinking. after you a formula used in offering precedence.
OE {aelig}fter f. Gmc



abaft, accommodated to, according to, adapted to, adjusted to, aft, after a time, after all, after that, aftermost, afterward, afterwards, agreeable to, agreeably to, answerable to, astern, attendant, back, backward, baft, because of, behind, below, beyond, by, by and by, by reason of, by virtue of, cadet, conformable to, congruent with, consecutive, considering, consistent with, due to, ensuing, ex post facto, following, for, from, hind, hinder, hindermost, hindhand, hindmost, in accordance with, in agreement with, in back of, in compliance with, in conformity with, in consideration of, in correspondence to, in harmony with, in keeping with, in line with, in lock-step with, in obedience to, in search of, in step with, in the aftermath, in the rear, in the sequel, in uniformity with, in view of, in virtue of, infra, junior, later, later than, latterly, lineal, next, on account of, out for, owing to, past, per, posterior, postern, proper to, puisne, rear, rearmost, rearward, retral, retrograde, sequent, since, subsequent, subsequent to, subsequently, succeeding, successive, suitable for, tail, thanks to, then, thereafter, thereon, thereupon, therewith, uniform with, without, younger




N pursuit, pursuing, prosecution, pursuance, enterprise, business, adventure, quest, scramble, hue and cry, game, hobby, still-hunt, chase, hunt, battue, race, steeple chase, hunting, coursing, venation, venery, fox chase, sport, sporting, shooting, angling, fishing, hawking, shikar (Geog loc:India), pursuer, hunter, huntsman, shikari (Geog loc:India), sportsman, Nimrod, hound, pursuing, in quest of, in pursuit, in full cry, in hot pursuit, on the scent, in pursuance of, after, Int, tallyho!, yoicks!, soho!.


N sequence, coming after, going after, consecution, succession, posteriority, continuation, order of succession, successiveness, paracme, secondariness, subordinancy, afterbirth, afterburden, placenta, secundines, succeeding, v, sequent, subsequent, consequent, sequacious, proximate, next, consecutive, alternate, amoebean, latter, posterior, after, subsequently, behind, sequence, coming after, (time), following pursuit, follower, attendant, satellite, shadow, dangler, train, subsequent, next, succeeding, following, behind, in the rear, in the train of, in the wake of, after, sequence, coming after, going after, consecution, succession, posteriority, continuation, order of succession, successiveness, paracme, secondariness, subordinancy, afterbirth, afterburden, placenta, secundines, succeeding, v, sequent, subsequent, consequent, sequacious, proximate, next, consecutive, alternate, amoebean, latter, posterior, after, subsequently, behind, sequence, coming after, (time), following pursuit, follower, attendant, satellite, shadow, dangler, train, subsequent, next, succeeding, following, behind, in the rear, in the train of, in the wake of, after.


N posteriority, succession, sequence, following, subsequence, supervention, futurity, successor, sequel, remainder, reversion, subsequent, posterior, following, after, later, succeeding, postliminious, postnate, postdiluvial, postdiluvian, puisne, posthumous, future, afterdinner, postprandial, subsequently, after, afterwards, since, later, at a subsequent, at a later period, at a later date, next, in the sequel, close upon, thereafter, thereupon, upon which, eftsoons, from that time, from that moment, after a while, after a time, in process of time, posteriority, succession, sequence, following, subsequence, supervention, futurity, successor, sequel, remainder, reversion, subsequent, posterior, following, after, later, succeeding, postliminious, postnate, postdiluvial, postdiluvian, puisne, posthumous, future, afterdinner, postprandial, subsequently, after, afterwards, since, later, at a subsequent, at a later period, at a later date, next, in the sequel, close upon, thereafter, thereupon, upon which, eftsoons, from that time, from that moment, after a while, after a time, in process of time.


N rear, back, posteriority, rear rank, rear guard, background, hinterland, occiput, nape, chine, heels, tail, rump, croup, buttock, posteriors, backside scut, breech, dorsum, loin, dorsal region, lumbar region, hind quarters, aitchbone, natch, natch bone, stern, poop, afterpart, heelpiece, crupper, wake, train, reverse, other side of the shield, back, rear, hind, hinder, hindmost, hindermost, postern, posterior, dorsal, after, caudal, lumbar, mizzen, tergal, behind, in the rear, in the background, behind one's back, at the heels of, at the tail of, at the back of, back to back, after, aft, abaft, astern, sternmost, aback, rearward, ogni medaglia ha il suo rovescio, the other side of the coin, rear, back, posteriority, rear rank, rear guard, background, hinterland, occiput, nape, chine, heels, tail, rump, croup, buttock, posteriors, backside scut, breech, dorsum, loin, dorsal region, lumbar region, hind quarters, aitchbone, natch, natch bone, stern, poop, afterpart, heelpiece, crupper, wake, train, reverse, other side of the shield, back, rear, hind, hinder, hindmost, hindermost, postern, posterior, dorsal, after, caudal, lumbar, mizzen, tergal, behind, in the rear, in the background, behind one's back, at the heels of, at the tail of, at the back of, back to back, after, aft, abaft, astern, sternmost, aback, rearward, ogni medaglia ha il suo rovescio, the other side of the coin.

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